YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga

YAPC::Europe 2011 “Modern Perl”

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Getting the most out of YAPC

By brian d foy (‎brian d foy‎) from NY.pm
Date: Monday, 15 August 2011 11:40
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Beginner

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Don't wander around your first YAPC clueless. Learn a few secrets to get the most of the conference.


Introducing the permanent Beginner Track for YAPC. If all goes to plan these talks, or something very close to them, will be given each year at YAPC. When first put on the schedule these talks are listed as being given by “Your Name Here”, but it could be replaced with your name as speaker.

The slides will be passed on from one conference to the next. Each new speaker will then have the chance to make small changes to make the talk their own but the hard part will already be done. This first year there are no slides to start from so it might be wise to have the YAPC::NA and YAPC::Europe speakers collaborate on the initial set with the help of their mentors.

Are you looking to break into speaking at YAPC? Having trouble finding clever new things to talk about? Then volunteer to present one of the topics on the Beginner Track. These topic may not be as cool as those on the bleeding edge of sanity, but they are still important. These beginner talks will find a new audience of beginners each year in need of their content.

Are you an experienced speaker willing to mentor the next generation of speakers and keep our community vibrant? Then volunteer to help a speaker prepare for their talk. After our new speakers succeed with your help, they will be more confident in the future when they do have something clever to say.

Have your given a presentation similar to one of the Beginner Track talks? Do you have some slides to contribute to the Beginner Track for their first conference season? Then please offer them to this season’s speakers to get the Beginner Track off to a good start.

For more information go to irc://irc.perl.org/yapc.

To present or mentor one of the Beginner Track talks please submit a talk using the normal 'Submit a talk proposal' link found on the Talks page. Set your talk title to 'Beginner Track Speaker' or 'Beginner Track Mentor' and in the comment section give your first and second choice and any comments you think will help the organizers assign talks.

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