YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga

YAPC::Europe 2011 “Modern Perl”

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State of the Parrot

By Christoph Otto (‎cotto‎)
Date: Wednesday, 17 August 2011 15:20
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Tags: compilers parrot rakudo

In this talk, you'll find out where Parrot’s been, what we’re up to and where I want to lead Parrot, both as a platform for language development and experimentation and as a product for embedding into other, sometimes surprising, applications. Satellites may be involved.

You'll learn a bit about the successes and explosions of the past couple years as Parrot has learned how to (and how not to) support users such as Rakudo Perl 6, Partcl and Lua. You will also find out about our series of low-level redesigns and rewrites known collectively as “Lorito” and what they’ll mean for Parrot’s users. This will include a 10,000 foot view of Lorito and its meta-object model, based on Jonathan Worthington’s 6model work. I’ll take a high-level look at our roadmap and talk what’s been done and what remains.

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