Tapper test scheduling
By Maik Hentsche (Caldrin) from Dresden.pm
Date: Monday, 15 August 2011 15:20
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
- Talk: https://github.com/amd
Tapper is a test automation framework developed in the AMD OSRC and published in spring 2011. After a very brief introduction of the project I will introduce its coolest part from a programmers perspective - the scheduler that decides what test run on what machine. The scheduler faces the challenge to provide fairness in a world of far to many tasks (test requests) for far to little resources (test machines). The talk will give an insight on how this challenge is solved.
The scheduler uses DBIx::Class a lot. Thus, the talk will cover this topic a lot.
- Leon Brocard (acme)
- Renee Bäcker (reneeb)
- Adam Taylor (adam-_-)
- Chad Davis (chadadavis)
- Fabian Zimmermann (fobs)
- Gabriele Hack (gabimuc)
- Aliaksandr Zahatski (zag)
- Michael Lang (langmic)
- Markus Pinkert (Bedivere)
- marc chantreux (eiro)
- Marko Kind
- Tom Hukins
- Anders Nielsen (anielsen)
- Alexander Orlovsky (nordicdyno)
- rosario colletti (rosariocolletti)
- Michael Jemmeson (michael)
- Brian McCauley (Nobull)
- Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue)
- Ahti Nurminen (ade)
- Peter Shangov (pshangov)
- Ben Thomas (ozukira)
- Francoise Dehinbo (franky)