YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga

YAPC::Europe 2011 “Modern Perl”

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Running legacy mod_perl with Plack

By Peter Makholm (‎brother‎) from Copenhagen.pm
Date: Wednesday, 17 August 2011 12:30
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Tags: apache plack web webserver

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Using mod_perl had some benefits over plain CGI.pm. You got some sort of persistence and a tight integration with Apache. Unfortunately you got a tight integration with Apache. This makes mod_perl have some obscure quirks and can make mod_perl applications hard to test and debug.

Today Plack/PSGI provides a nice layer between the web server and your code. This is great for new projects, but what about old legacy code tightly integrated with mod_perl's request object?

On way would be to fake the request object on top of Plack. This provides the ability to run your mod_perl application with any Plack capable webserver togeter with generic Plack::Middleware layers.

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