HTML5: What is is, what it isn't, and should you use it?
By Mallory van Achterberg (Stomme poes)
Date: Monday, 15 August 2011 12:25
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Tags: html5 hype
"The HTML5 hype is out of control. What is it exactly, what ISN'T it, and what parts can you safely use?"
-quick history
-differences from HTML4/XHTML1
-ARIA roles and accessibility
-new form controls, Javascript
-major spec instability and politics
- Tom Hukins
- Maciej Czekay (Bruno)
- Thomas Klausner (domm)
- Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar)
- Andreas Vögele
- H.Merijn Brand (Tux)
- Patrick Ringl (pari)
- Chisel Wright
- Sung Sam Gong (sung)
- Damian Conway (damian)
- Job van Achterberg (jkva)
- Mallory van Achterberg (Stomme poes)
- Leon Timmermans (leont)
- Jure Kodzoman (Yure)
- Patrick Michaud (Pm)
- Gabor Szabo (szabgab)
- Clive Darke (cdarke)
- Aliaksandr Zahatski (zag)
- Ben Tisdall (bentis)
- Erik Johansen (uniejo)
- Andreas Altergott
- Jose Luis Martinez
- Jean Forget
- Aku Kauste
- Michael Lang (langmic)
- Markus Pinkert (Bedivere)
- Florian Ragwitz (rafl)
- Gligan Calin Horea
- Daniel Blom
- roger blom
- Ovidiu Satmari (ovidiu.satmari)
- JJ Allen
- Dave Sherohman (dsheroh)
- Noah Kogler
- Iulia Bublea
- Anders Nielsen (anielsen)
- Barbie
- Paul van Eldijk (pavel)
- Gunnar Koppel (wk)
- Trond Michelsen (trondmm)
- Snorri Briem
- Jan Henning Thorsen (batman)
- Brian McCauley (Nobull)
- Jörg Plate (Patterner)
- Alex Timoshenko
- Herbert Breunung (lichtkind)
- Marcus Ramberg (marcus)
- Bruno Martins
- Lars Holgaard
- Christoph Otto (cotto)
- Carlos Juan Diaz (cjuan)
- Lars Thegler (tagg)
- Markus Förster
- Henrik Andersen (HEM)
- Magnus Zeisig (magnuz)
- José Castro (cog)
- Tomasz Czepiel (tjmc)
- Abe Timmerman (abeltje)
- Aleksandr Kotov (megakott)
- Lisa Hansen (iamlgh)
- Dave Cross (davorg)
- Łukasz Siemiradzki (plluksie)