YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga

YAPC::Europe 2011 “Modern Perl”

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E-Commerce usability and how to test it

By Jure Kodzoman (‎Yure‎) from Ljubljana.pm
Date: Tuesday, 16 August 2011 14:55
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Tags: ecommerce testing usability

Web usability is an approach to make web sites easy to use for an end-user. Usability is becoming more and more important on the web. This talk will introduce you on how to do usability testing, even if your target audience is outside your country, which is pretty common in Europe.

There are many benefits of adding usability to your project's development cycle. Main benefits are:

* Decreasing number of later revisions.
* Improving user experience.
* Increasing number of conversions (tasks successfully fulfilled).
* Reducing the learnability curve.
* Making your users happier.

The talk will cover basics of how to perform tests on actual users and get to know your users better.

Although the talk uses e-commerce as an example, most of it actually applies to all applications. We often think about bugs in the code, but rarely take the time to improve user experience of the application and see where our users find the applications difficult to use. Usability testing provides a solution to this problem.

This talk is suitable for all audiences, both Perl experts and those completely new to Perl.

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