Modern PerlCommerce

By Stefan Hornburg (‎Racke‎) from
Date: Wednesday, 7 March 2012 13:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Language: English
Tags: dancer ecommerce interchange psgi web

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Interchange is a Open Source eCommerce software written before the advent of any modern Perl. Thus we implemented a lot of things like running a server, dispatching, parameter parsing, session handling and templating.

We decided to reduce the source code drastically by using modules from CPAN like Dancer, PSGI and Template::Flute instead of our own custom code.

Interchange will become a collection of a few base modules providing an API for carts, payment, shipping and access control which can be extended easily with plugins.

This provides you with a solid, fast, simple and flexible platform for your online business based on modern Perl, which is going to be demonstrated during the presentation.

Attended by: Jan Hartung (‎Egga‎), Wieland Pusch, Wolfgang Radke, ribasushi +1, Moritz Lenz (‎moritz‎), Steffen Ullrich, Karl Gaissmaier (‎Charly‎), Bruno Escherl, Colin, Alexander Becker, Tomasz Czepiel (‎tjmc‎), Hammad Khan,