
SureSpell - Teaching Dyslexic Children Language Skills

SureSpell - Teaching Dyslexic Children Language Skills

Por Paul Johnson (‎pjcj‎) de Zürich.pm
Data: quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2005 10:40
Duração: 20 minutos

Pode encontrar mais informação no site do palestrante:

For the last five years, a Perl/Tk program called SureSpell has been used in a very successful teaching programme helping dyslexic children improve their reading and language skills.

This talk gives a brief overview of the both the teaching programme and the SureSpell program.

Topics to be covered include:

- what dyslexia is
- methods which can help dyslexic children to learn
- how SureSpell works
- brief demo
- technical details of the program
- cross platform problems
- programme success rate

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