IPW 2005 - Call for papers

The deadline for the submission of abstracts has been postponed to April 15th!

Anybody who wants to submit a talk proposal is invited to send an abstract to the address workshop-cfp@perl.it before the 15th of April, 2005. The abstract should contain:

Alternatively, it is possible to submit a proposal using this Web interface, following the 'Talks' link here on the left.

Formats for the abstract

The abstract can be written in either Italian or English, and should be formatted as POD, plain text or HTML (in decreasing order of preference). As for the encoding (especially regarding accented letters for Italian), we suggest the following:

use the various escape sequences (E<egrave> and the like), avoiding to use non-ASCII7 characters in the text
plain text:
encode as either ISO 8859-15 or UTF-8
use entities (&egrave;and the like), or encode as either ISO 8859-15 or UTF-8, declaring the encoding in the document's header

If you submit via the Web, you can only use plain text.

Additional materials

If you already have additional materials for your talk available on-line, please let us know: this will allow the organizers to have a better idea about your talk's contents, and to start working sooner on the proceedings.

For all talks to appear in the proceedings, all relevant materials (slides, texts, sample code, etc.) will have to be submitted before the 31st of May, 2005.


This is not a single-topic workshop, so each and every proposal will be considered. Some example topic could be:

Formats for talks

Each talk can be in one of the following formats:

long talk:

duration: 50 minutes

This format is for speakers covering complex topics, or for in-depth presentations.

short talk:

duration: 20 minutes

This is the intermediate format, good for most presentations.

lightning talk:

duration: 5 minutes

If you want to let the world know about some trick of yours, give an idea to start a new project, express a wish or an opinion about some aspects of the language or a library, you can give a lightning talk.

If we will receive sufficient proposals, we will organize a poster session: a space where each participant will show his/her poster (approximate size: A2); we will provide a desk (with power supply and network connection) that he/she could use to explain his/her work and answer questions.
"Battle talk":
This format requires the presence of a moderator and two guests, who will discuss and "battle" about a common topic. There can be at most one talk of this format for each day. We expect proposals to be submitted by would-be moderators, who should also take care about inviting the guests and make them show up at the workshop.

Final notes

We will send out acceptance notices by the 30th of April, 2005.

All speakers (except for lightning talks) will have their registration fee waived. Anyway, the organizers will be grateful to every speaker who will nonetheless pay for the registration: this is a no-profit workshop.

Dates summary

April 1st 2005:
Registration opens
April 15th 2005:
Abstract submission deadline
April 30th 2005:
Talk acceptance notices
May 31st 2005:
Deadline for submission of talk materials
June 19th 2005:
Registration closes
June 23rd 2005:
Workshop starts