Write Your Own Bayesian Classifier!
By john melesky from Windy City.pm, Chicago.pm
Date: Saturday, 1 December 2007 16:00
Duration: 30 minutes
Tags: bayes machinelearning programming spam statistics workshop
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Let's talk about Bayesian classifiers. They're everywhere. They filter your spam, recommend new links, and categorize web pages.
Why are they so omnipresent? Because the math behind them is simple to understand, and simple to implement. So simple, in fact, that we'll do it in an hour.
I'll go over Bayes' theorem and how it relates to classification. I'll walk you through creating basic tokenization, training, and testing functions. Then we'll categorize stuff.
Bring your laptops. Even though there's no wireless, your editor and perl should still work, and you can still code along.