Nordic Perl Workshop 2007

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30/04/2007 - Disembarkation
The 5th NPW is now over, and judging by the comments, everybody had a great time. The organizers would like to thank everybody involved: the volunteers, the attendees, and of course the speakers for making the Nordic Perl Workshop 2007 such a success.

We are looking forward to seeing you all next year in Stockholm!

28/04/2007 - We're airborne!
NPW2007 day 1 was great; most attendees have arrived, and the talks are going well.

There are some issues with the wifi, since the venue decided that today was a good day to move the main firewall, but it look like it has stabilized for now.

The schedule seems to have gotten a life of its own; to keep up to date, it's best that you check it yourself.

23/04/2007 - Changes to the schedule
There have been some changes to the schedule.


19/04/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; DKUUG
We are happy to announce the Danish Unix User Group, DKUUG, as sponsor of NPW.


19/04/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; Sifira
We are happy to announce Sifira as sponsor of NPW.


11/04/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; YAPC Europe Foundation (YEF)
We are happy to announce that we have been sponsored with a workshop grant from YEF.

YEF if sponsoring the YAPC::Europe conference and local Perl workshops, and we are very happy to have received this sponsorship.

03/04/2007 - Hotel Discount
We have obtained a discount from our recommended hotel: Cab Inn City, when booking please use the code 'logicLAB', yes this is badly chosen, but it was chosen by the hotel, when we booked for our speakers via one of our sponsors.

12/03/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; Foreningen Fri Software (FoFS)
We have applied for a grant from FoFS among other and today we received a positive response we are very happy to have FoFS sponsor our workshop, since it acknowledges and underlines the fact that Perl is free software, something you sometimes forget - our favorite toy and tool is actually free.

We owe special thanks to Kenneth Geisshirt of FoFS, who mentioned the possiblity, so without him we would not have applied for a sponsorship in the first place.

Consider joining FoFS, it is only 100 DKK

10/03/2007 - One more Perl 6 talk in the schedule
Jonathan Worthington is joining the awesome list of speakers, so we will get Perl 6 directly from the source.

08/03/2007 - Schedule online
The schedule is now available, there might be small changes to the schedule and we need to fill in a few holes, but in general you should be able to get a picture of what the workshop will present on the 28-29th. of April.

06/03/2007 - Almost, almost, last talks accepted
We have a few things in the pipe-line, which just need final confirmation, then the schedule will be made available.

Josh McAdams is also the guy behind Perlcast, he expects to do some interviews for future Perlcasts and we are very happy to have this opportunity to assist.

05/03/2007 - Almost last talks accepted
Our deadline for the Call for Papers has passed; today we have accepted the almost last batch of talks:

We need more lightning talks so if you have any suggestions, do not hesitate to notify us for the schedule, there is however no deadline for lightning talks yet apart from the actual lightning talk sessions.

01/03/2007 - Linuxforum 2007
Friday 02/03/2007: Matt S. Trout of Catalyst fame is speaking about Catalyst at Linuxforum 2007.

Saturday 03/03/2007: Copenhagen Perl Mongers will be present at Linuxforum 2007 with a user group booth, so drop by for a chat and hear about the upcoming Nordic Perl Workshop.

Nordic Perl Workshop 2007 flyer for Linuxforum available here.

Versed Solutions

28/02/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; Versed Solutions
We are happy to announce Versed Solutions as sponsor of NPW.


28/02/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; Stonehenge
We are happy to announce Stonehenge Consulting as sponsor of NPW.


24/02/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; Code3
We are happy to announce Code3 as sponsor of NPW.

24/02/2007 - Deadline for Papers coming up
The deadline for papers are approaching fast and also the number of available slots are decreasing, so if you have a paper you want to submit now is the time. The official deadline is 4th. of March 2007 There is still plenty of room for lightning-talks, so do consider submitting one see the details in the Call for Papers

20/02/2007 - More talks accepted
Our schedule is steadily filling up; today we have accepted another bunch of talks:

We are glad to have both Emmanuele and Nelson attending their first NPW.

The Perl Review

17/02/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; The Perl Review
We are happy to announce The Perl Review as sponsor of NPW.

17/02/2007 - More talks accepted
Even more interesting talks in this new batch:

16/02/2007 - Ticket Price Announcement, Early bird discount

We are happy to announce the ticket prices for Nordic Perl Workshop 2007.

There is a special Early Bird discount until March 17th, so get your tickets early!

The ticket prices are:

Early bird55 EURUntil 17-mar-2007
Regular70 EURAfter 17-mar-2007
Reduced35 EURFor students. You might be asked to show your student id.
Business100 EURFor subsidized business attendees.

We have also opened the online payment page, so if you registered earlier, please go to your profile page and purchase your ticket.


13/02/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; ActiveState
We are happy to announce ActiveState as sponsor of NPW.

13/02/2007 - More talks accepted
We are really exited about this next bunch of interesting talks:

  • 'The Perl Debugger' by Richard Foley. Richard is probably the best person to do this talk, he practically wrote the books, and we are happy to welcome him to his first NPW.
  • Two talks on programming and testing large scale financial software by Erwan Lemonnier. Erwan is a faithful NPW attendee, and spoke at NPW 2005 in his home town, Stockholm.
  • 'Old Perls and new code' by Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni. Sébastien also submitted the first of the Lightning Talks: 'Notice to Sys::Syslog users'.

10/02/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; Fullrate A/S
We are happy to announce Fullrate as sponsor of NPW

08/02/2007 - First talks accepted
We are proud to announce the acceptance of our first 3 talks:

07/02/2007 - Wiki open
The wiki for NPW 2007 has now opened, again thanks to our fellow french mongers
Much information on the workshop will be made available in the Wiki from now on and towards the actual workshop.
Please feel free to add content on whatever topic is related to the NPW2007

06/02/2007 - Registration open
The online registration for NPW 2007 has now opened, thanks to our fellow french mongers and the ACT platform.
If you have been to other conferences run on ACT, you can use your existing account to login.
The payment interface is not yet online, but please register now and complete the payment later.


05/02/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; Adapt A/S
Adapt has responded positively to sponsoring NPW again this year, we are currently discussing the form of sponsorship.


05/02/2007 - Sponsor Announcement; logicLAB
logicLAB has responded positively to sponsoring NPW, financially and with keychains for nametags.

29/01/2007 - Call for Papers
Please submit you talks for the fifth anniversary of The Nordic Perl Workshop, which will take place in Copenhagen on the 28-29th of April.
In other news: the logo is here, the price is (almost) set and we are looking for volunteers! Please join the mailing list.

01/09/2006 - Website ready
Once again we prepare the online home of The Nordic Perl Workshop 2007.
Dates and venues are still pending, but we hope to make an announcement soon.

Check the mailing list for details. Subscribe at

LogicLab FULLRATE ActiveState
Adapt Code3 Stonehenge
Versed Solutions The Perl Review YEF
Sifira DKUUG
Copenhagen Perl Mongers Nordic Perl Workshop 2007 is organized by the Copenhagen Perl Mongers and made possible by our sponsors

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