YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga

YAPC::Europe 2011 “Modern Perl”

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Lightning Talks Day 1

By R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) from Philadelphia.pm
Date: Monday, 15 August 2011 16:55
Duration: 60 minutes
Target audience: Beginner

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Schedule day 1:

Wesley Johnson (‎wesjdj‎) - ‎GSoC and GCI‎
Tadeusz Sośnierz (‎tadzik‎) - ‎Pod and Perl 6‎
Mark Keating (‎mdk‎) - ‎An Armful of Announcements‎

Leon Timmermans (‎leont‎) - ‎Reinventing Build.PL‎
marc chantreux (‎eiro‎) - ‎Persec, a combinator parser in perl5‎
Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) - ‎Easy generation of documents for Microsoft Word‎
ribasushi +1 - ‎Way too far down memory lane: the quest for pure-perl Sub::Name‎

Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) - ‎Modern WxPerl‎
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (‎maddingue‎) - ‎About Act...‎
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) - ‎The Perl Community - A Modest Proposal‎

Schedule for day 2:

Marcus Ramberg (‎marcus‎) - ‎iusethis.com infrastructure‎
Nikolay Mishin (‎mishin‎) - ‎Some word about converting code from python to perl5 and perl6‎
Daniel Böhmer - ‎Integrating an external model with an existing Catalyst environment‎

Alexander Nusov (‎santeri‎) - ‎YAPP‎
Steffen Winkler (‎STEFFENW‎) - ‎German Perl Workshop 2012‎
Karlheinz Zoechling (‎gargamel‎) - ‎App::CCSV‎

Peter Makholm (‎brother‎) - ‎The One True Serialization Module(tm)‎
ribasushi +1 - ‎If you are not on IRC - you do not exist‎

Abigail - ‎A new operator‎
Paul Johnson (‎pjcj‎) - ‎It Doesn't Matter!‎
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) - ‎Stump The Wall‎

Proposed for day 3:

Job van Achterberg (‎jkva‎) - ‎RFC: Fiddling with the symbol table‎
Moritz Onken (‎mo‎) - ‎MetaCPAN, the next generation search engine for the CPAN‎
Trond Michelsen (‎trondmm‎) - ‎Free weather data from api.met.no‎

Brian McCauley (‎Nobull‎) - ‎Iterating over tabular data that's really hierachical‎
Maciej Czekay (‎Bruno‎) - ‎A plastic beerglass‎
Patrick Mevzek - ‎Perl and domain names + Domain name DOT perl‎

brian d foy (‎brian d foy‎) - ‎White Camel Awards‎

Barbie - ‎Perl Jam - How To Organise a Conference (and live to tell the tale)‎
Smylers - ‎DB Schema Posters: Everybody Should Have One‎
Carl Mäsak (‎masak‎) - ‎The Little Animal Farm‎

Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎) - ‎Perl Mongers Über Alles (Oslo.pm ye2011 edition)‎
Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎) - ‎Write programs like oneliners‎
David Leadbeater (‎dg‎) - ‎How low can the Acme:: go?‎

More talks:
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎

These Lig­htn­ing Talks may be seri­ous, funny, or both. They may be given by ex­perien­ced speak­ers al­ready giv­ing full length talks or by first time speak­ers just start­ing out (this is a great way to get star­ted if you have some­th­ing to say). If you are a first time speak­er you will win a tie with an ex­peri­ence speak­er when the schedule is made if it comes to it. Today's first time speak­er could be tomor­row's keynote speak­er.

We will have about 10 Lig­htn­ing Talks of 5 minutes each day. Sub­mit your talk through the sub­mit talk link on this web­site. The first de­ad­line is with the full length talks in April. The second de­ad­line is one week be­fore the con­fer­ence starts and many pro­pos­als will be ac­cepted. At least two speak­ing spots on day 2 will be held open until the day be­fore the talks to give you a chan­ce to see some­th­ing at the con­fer­ence and put togeth­er a Lig­htn­ing Talk re­spon­se. Howev­er if you wait for the later de­ad­lines note that there are fewer spots avail­able and you are less li­ke­ly to be ac­cepted so please try to sub­mit more than a week be­fore the con­fer­ence.

In ad­di­tion to the five minute Lig­htn­ing Talks where you get to use your com­put­er, slides, and any other tool, we will also have some Lig­htn­ing Ad­vertise­ments. These are only 30 seconds, you don't have to sub­mit a pro­pos­al, you don't get any slides, and the only AV as­sis­tance of­fered is a micro­phone. If you have a BOF to an­noun­ce, an auc­tion item so ad­vert­ise or any other short mes­sage you can use the trans­i­tion time that would be ot­herw­ise was­ted bet­ween Lig­htn­ing Talks to share your mes­sage. Just show up be­fore we start and take a seat in the as­sig­ned seats in the front of the room.

Why Would You Want to do a Lig­htn­ing Talk? Maybe you've never given a talk be­fore, and you'd like to start small. For a Lig­htn­ing Talk, you don't need to make slides, and if you do de­cide to make slides, you only need to make three. Maybe you're nerv­ous and you're af­raid you'll mess up. It's a lot eas­i­er to plan and de­liv­er a five minute talk than it is to de­liv­er a long talk. And if you do mess up, at least the pain­ful part will be over quick­ly. Maybe you don't have much to say. Maybe you just want to ask a ques­tion, or in­vite peo­ple to help you with your pro­ject, or boast about some­th­ing you did, or tell a short cautiona­ry story. These th­ings are all in­terest­ing and worth talk­ing about, but there might not be en­ough to say about them to fill up thir­ty minutes. Maybe you have a lot of th­ings to say, and you're al­ready going to give a long talk on one of them, and you don't want to hog the spot­light. There's noth­ing wrong with giv­ing sever­al Lig­htn­ing Talks. Hey, they're only five minutes. On the other side, peo­ple might want to come to a lig­htn­ing talk when they would­n't come to a long talk on the same sub­ject. The risk for the at­tendees is small­er: If the talk turns out to be dull, or if the per­son giv­ing the talk turns out to be a rea­l­ly bad speak­er, well, at least it's over in five minutes. With lig­htn­ing talks, you're never stuck in some bor­ing lec­ture for forty-five minutes.

Still hav­ing troub­le pick­ing a topic, here are some sug­ges­tions:

1. Why my favorite module is X.
2. I want to do cool pro­ject X. Does an­yone want to help?
3. Suc­cess­ful Pro­ject: I did pro­ject X. It was a suc­cess. Here's how you could be­nefit.
4. Failed Pro­ject: I did pro­ject X. It was a failure, and here's why.
5. Heresy: Peo­ple al­ways say X, but they're wrong. Here's why.
6. You All Suck: Here's what is wrong with the our com­mun­ity. 7. Call to Ac­tion: Let's all do more of X / less of X.
8. Would­n't it be cool if X?
9. Some­one needs to do X.
10. Wish List
11. Why X was a mis­take.
12. Why X looks like a mis­take, but isn't.
13. What it's like to do X.
14. Here's a use­ful tech­nique that wor­ked.
15. Here's a tech­nique I thought would be use­ful but didn't work.
16. Why al­gorithm X sucks.
17. Com­parison of al­gorithms X and Y.

Of co­ur­se, you could give the talk on an­yth­ing you wan­ted, wheth­er or not it is on this list. If we get a full schedule of noth­ing but five minutes of rant­ing and rav­ing on each topic, a good time will still be had by most.

Attended by: