Mr. Dave Cross (‎davorg‎)

United Kingdom
Perl mongers group
Web page


confirmed ‎Error(s) Free Programming‎ 30 minutes
confirmed ‎Medium Perl‎ Lightning talk


English was my idea. Sorry about that.

I've been writing Perl since about 1997. I wrote a few books and I run a lot of training courses and workshop sessions. You might have been on one of them.

Other than Perl, I'm very opinionated about databases, the validity of HTML and SEO.

Outside of Perl, I might be found at a gig, watching Doctor Who or MCU stuff or researching my genealogy.

Somehow, I've become a Quora expert on the British Royal Family.

Attending talks

‎Battling a Legacy Schema with DBIx::Class‎
‎Velociraptor in a Modern World‎
‎CSV with flexible headers (perl5 & perl6)‎
‎How to write an API endpoint in 2016‎
‎Why you want to use Swagger/OpenAPI for your REST API‎
‎Writing command line tools made easy‎
‎When you don't want Agile‎
‎How's the Perl Jobs market‎
‎PONAPI: let's REST‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎
‎Karel: Educational programming language‎
‎A local search engine using Elasticsearch and Dancer‎
‎Error(s) Free Programming‎
‎Medium Perl‎
‎The raptor and the butterfly‎
‎A decade of dubious decisions‎
‎From Debian, with ♥‎
‎Ref::Util: more than you ever wanted to know about ref()‎
‎How AWS REST APIs work, and how Paws is built‎
‎Perl, Bioinformatics and the Ensembl Project‎
‎From 5.12 to 5.24: Upgrading a business application‎
‎First months as a new Perl developer‎
‎A few git bits‎
‎A tale of a Perl start-up‎
‎Fraudulent Perl‎
‎Keynote Day 1‎
‎Keynote Day 2 - State of the Velociraptor‎
‎Keynote Day 3‎
‎Opening - Welcome to YAPC::EU 2016!‎
‎Closing Notes‎