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There are 197 registered people coming from 18 countries and 31 monger groups. There are 28 committed users, that is to say, people that either paid their conference ticket or will give a talk.

You can have a look at country / mongers or cities statistics.

The number of committed users is listed between parentheses in the following tables.

Click on the various links to find the corresponding users!

Countries Monger groups
United Kingdom 170 (21)
United States 5 (2)
Portugal 4 (0)
Netherlands 3 (2)
Austria 2 (1)
Ireland 1 (1)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 1 (1)
Spain 1 (0)
Taiwan 1 (0)
Malaysia 1 (0)
Russia 1 (0)
Norway 1 (0)
Australia 1 (0)
France 1 (0)
Switzerland 1 (0)
Italy 1 (0)
Poland 1 (0)
Belgium 1 (0)
London.pm 58 (15)
Birmingham.pm 5 (2)
Milton Keynes.pm 5 (0)
drinkers.pm 4 (2)
NY.pm 3 (1)
Edinburgh.pm 3 (1)
NorthWestEngland.pm 2 (2)
lgbt.pm 2 (1)
dahut.pm 2 (1)
Amsterdam.pm 2 (1)
Leeds.pm 2 (0)
Lisbon.pm 2 (0)
Zurich.pm 2 (0)
DevonCornwall.pm 2 (0)
fleet.pm 2 (0)
MiltonKeynes.pm 1 (1)
Chicago.pm 1 (1)
Philadelphia.pm 1 (1)
Windy City.pm 1 (1)
AmsterdamX.pm 1 (1)
Italia.pm 1 (1)
Vienna.pm 1 (0)
Bristol and Bath.pm 1 (0)
Swindon Makerspace .pm 1 (0)
ThamesValley.pm 1 (0)
not_LNDN.pm 1 (0)
Thames Valley.pm 1 (0)
Paris.pm 1 (0)
Moscow.pm 1 (0)
Warsaw.pm 1 (0)
Copenhagen.pm 1 (0)