Developing Perl: Improving CPAN Modules
By Tom Hukins
Date: Saturday, 12 November 2011 14:10
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English
Tags: contributing cpan patching
Some CPAN modules contain bugs or lack useful features. Many modules would benefit from better documentation. Most authors welcome contributions from the community.
Yet many Perl developers haven't yet contributed to the modules they use, for various reasons.
This talk will explain how CPAN modules work, how to edit them, how to ask for help and how to submit improvements back to their developers.
You will get the most out of this talk if you:
* have a basic or intermediate knowledge of Perl
* use CPAN modules
* have experience of editing other people's code
Attended by: Tom Hukins, kevin dawson (bowtie), cjbradford, Tony Edwardson, Matthew Black, Dark Knight, Ian Norton (idn), Dave Cross (davorg), Steven Humphrey, Andrew Todd (Toddy), Gavin Hillbrook, Luke Harwood, Colin Campbell, Neil Bowers (NEILB), Ian Marsh, Kayvan Javid, James Macfarlane, Brad Haywood, fifi, Braudel Maqueira (brau), Dongxu Ma (dx), Marco Fontani (mfontani), Michael Gray, Adam Bartosik, Mark Norman Francis, Nick Morrott, John Harrison (JohnGH), Neil Hemingway (neilh), Avi Greenbury (BigRedS), Adam Trickett (ajt), Stuart Dodds, Dominic Humphries (djh), Christopher Hanna (Chad), Andrew Roberts, Andy Smith, Victor Churchill, Chisel Wright, Alex Timoshenko, Darius Jokilehto, Marcus Duyzend, Guy Edwards (guyed), Tomas Doran (t0m), Alex Balhatchet (Kaoru),