Favorite Talks

Stars Speaker Talk title Duration Date
8 Mike Astle ‎Profiling with NYTProf‎ [English] 40 minutes 07/11/08 16:10
8 Petr Pajas ‎Processing XML documents with XML::LibXML‎ [English] 20 minutes 08/11/08 14:20
8 Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎) ‎Perl 6 for da noob‎ [English] 60 minutes 08/11/08 17:25
7 Michael Kröll (‎pepl‎) ‎I18N with XSLT and what Perl has got to do with it‎ [English] 20 minutes 07/11/08 13:35
7 Stefan Hornburg (‎Racke‎) ‎Interchange - The Open Source Online Shop Platform‎ [English] 40 minutes 07/11/08 16:55
7 Tara Andrews (‎aurum‎) ‎10001 manuscripts in practice: Perl, XML, medieval chronicles, and why Unicode rocks‎ [English] 40 minutes 07/11/08 17:40
7 Emmanuel Rodriguez (‎potyl‎) ‎Building a GUI with GTK2‎ [English] 40 minutes 08/11/08 13:35
7 Emmanuel Rodriguez (‎potyl‎) ‎D-Bus integration‎ [English] 20 minutes 07/11/08 14:45
6 Spiros Denaxas (‎thefruit‎) ‎proving you are right with A/B testing‎ [English] 20 minutes 08/11/08 17:00
6 Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎) ‎My four preferences‎ [English] 40 minutes 07/11/08 14:00
5 Stefan Hornburg (‎Racke‎) ‎Request Tracker 3.8‎ [English] 60 minutes 08/11/08 15:15
5 Reini Urban (‎rurban‎) ‎Need perl-compiler help: Hack the optree and emit C or JIT‎ [English] 40 minutes 08/11/08 16:20
5 Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (‎daxim‎) ‎From an idea to CPAN‎ [English] 40 minutes 07/11/08 15:25
3 Maroš Kollár (‎maros‎) ‎RevDev Best Practices (Hopefully) Part I‎ [English] 30 minutes 07/11/08 11:00
3 Martin Rusko ‎Objavovanie siete s Perlom‎ [Slovak] 20 minutes 08/11/08 10:50
3 Jozef Kutej (‎jozef‎) ‎Dynamicky generované statické stránky pomocou TT‎ [Slovak] 20 minutes 08/11/08 11:40
3 Martin Rusko ‎Príprava Cisco konfigurácie pomocou Perlu a Template Toolkitu‎ [Slovak] 20 minutes 08/11/08 11:15
3 Martin Čulák ‎Perl network monitoring‎ [Slovak] 40 minutes 08/11/08 09:50
3 Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎WxPerl kann mehr‎ [German] 40 minutes 07/11/08 09:00
3 Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎Sag Hello zu Kephra‎ [German] 20 minutes 07/11/08 09:45
3 Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) ‎RevDev Best Practices (Hopefully) Part II‎ [German] 30 minutes 07/11/08 11:30
2 Michael Kröll (‎pepl‎) ‎Pimp dein CMS mit WebDAV und Perl‎ [German] 20 minutes 07/11/08 10:20
1 Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎) ‎Perl beyond the Wall‎ [English] lightning  
1 Reini Urban (‎rurban‎) ‎News for parrot on cygwin and making parrot installable‎ [English] lightning  
1 Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (‎daxim‎) ‎CPAN Testers 2.0‎ [English] lightning  
1 Jozef Kutej (‎jozef‎) ‎Čo je Perl, ako "funguje" a aké sú jeho silné stránky‎ [Slovak] 40 minutes 08/11/08 09:05
1 Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎) ‎YAPC::TV essentials‎ [English] lightning  

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