Wiki - Hackathon


Space, time, wifi, drinks and snacks to enable hacking on Perl stuff. Bring a laptop and a project to hack on, or a desire to hack on something that other people are hacking on.


Sunday 9th November, from 11am (until as late as people wish to stay). You can come for as much or as little of it as you like (it's fine to show up at 12am and go to 4pm...or show up at 8pm and stay until 2am ;-)


Jonathan Worthington's place in Bratislava, on Grosslingova 28. Ring doorbell "Brull". Located only 5-10 minutes walk from the old city and 30 minutes walk from Hlavna Stanica (main train station). Depending on the weather, you can enjoy views of our pekny hrad (pretty castle). Google map:,-95.677068&sspn=31.646818,56.601563&ie=UTF8&ll=48.145472,17.118287&spn=0.0065,0.013819&z=16&g=grosslingova+28+bratislava&iwloc=addr
Attendance is free, you just need to make your own way here. If a bunch of people are arriving from Vienna together by train, it may be possible to arrange some guidance from the station.


Add your name to the list if you wish to attend. I can comfortably provide a place to sit for 15 people. Reaching up to 20, some people might have to sit on the Tibetan rug and/or we'll have to get a little more cosy on the sofas. ;-) We can spread out over a few areas by project - there's the living room, the tower and we can move a table into a separate room too if some people want to have noisy debates. :-)


The workshop provides lots of talks and, hopefully, some inspiration and ideas. The Hackathon is a chance to get together after the workshop and have time and space to do some more practical things. That doesn't have to be writing code - it's fine (and good) to use it to dig into a new project that you've not been involved with yet, discuss and bounce around ideas and so forth.


Add topics/projects that you expect or hope to be hacking on here.


I'll provide drinks to keep us going through the day. Of note, I have a pretty decent coffee machine. Also there'll be plenty of tea bags as well as fruit juice and, probably, vinea. There might even be beer for those who make it to the evening! ;-) I'll also provide some snack food - cookies, nuts, chips, candy and the like.

The nearest place (1 minute walking from the building entrance) for more serious food - provided it's open - is a great little pizzeria, which serves up tasty thin-crust pizzas. Eat in is possible if you want to get away from the hacking, as is take away. There are quite a few other kebab places and restaurants less than 10 minutes walking away, either west in the old city or north around Shopping Street.

Tesco is 5 minutes away by foot also, but only opens until 4pm on a Sunday.


It's free to attend, you just need to get yourself there and buy your own @meal (aforementioned snacks and drinks free, of course).


Can be posted here on this page, or alternatively sent to Jonathan by email, or he often hangs out on too.

verzia 6 uložené 03.11.08 11:22 Jozef Kutej (‎jozef‎)

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