Moose and DBIC in "The marriage of figarOO"
By Maik Hentsche (Caldrin) from
Date: Monday, 7 June 2010 12:10
Duration: 20 minutes
IMPORTANT: This abstract is a non-corporate one. Use it to decide about the topic but please do not yet publish it, or at least ask. I will provide a corporate style abstract later, once it went through Legal department.
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In this talk I will talk about my experience with using Moose together with DBIx::Class.
Attended by: Rolf Schaufelberger (rsplusw),
Paul Boldra,
Johannes Plunien (plu),
Roderich Schupp,
Jörg Forstreuter,
Matthias Dietrich (rainboxx),
Renee Bäcker (reneeb),
Steffen Schwigon (renormalist),
Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim),
Florian Ragwitz (rafl),
Karl Kröger,
Karl Gaissmaier (Charly),
Kieren Diment (kd),
Tobias Farrenkopf,
Wolfgang Pecho,
Steffen Ullrich,
Wieland Pusch,
Benjamin Krupp,
Thomas Kappler (thomas11),
Hilko Bengen (hillu),
Danijel Tasov,
Robert Bohne (rbo),
Wolfgang Warner,