We thank our sponsors!
The Italian Perl Mongers and the Pisa.pm group are proud to announce the Third Italian Perl Workshop.
The Workshop is aimed at Perl users, professionals and hobbyists alike, but also to those who are just starting out in this language and want to learn its characteristics and culture.
In addition to classic conference-style talks, there will be discussions and debates on topics of interest, proposed by participants and guided by experts.
The Workshop will be held in Pisa, at the Polo Fibonacci kindly offered by the University of Pisa, on June 22-23, 2006.
Registration and participation are free of charge, and includes a coffee-break service, also gratis.
In addition, you will be able to buy:
- event T-Shirt
- perl.it gadgets
- tickets for lunch and dinner at the University's canteen
Even though participation in free of charge, we ask you to register as soon as possible: this will help our logistics.
If you need an invoice (e.g. for reimboursement), you can purchase the "Business" ticket, which includes T-Shirt, gadgets and canteen's tickets, for € 50.
For more information:
- subscribe to the workshop@perl.it mailing list (to subscribe, send a message to listmaster@perl.it with subscribe workshop@perl.it in the body)
- On the Web, at the address http://conferences.yapceurope.org/ipw2006/ or http://www.perl.it/workshop/.