Perl 6 Implementations in December 2010
By Martin Berends (mberends) from Amsterdam.pm
Date: Saturday, 4 December 2010 15:40
Duration: 40 minutes
Tags: perl6
An up to date review of implementations of the Perl 6 language. About each one: description, summarized history, contributors, architecture, features, status, future plans. Implementations are Rakudo, Pugs, Viv, Mildew, Elf, Perlito (MiniPerl6), KindaPerl6, Sprixel, Niecza, Yapsi, 6model, Vill, v6-alpha, Perl 5.xx.
Attended by: Colin Horne (cdfh), Ed Freyfogle, David Faux, Nicholas Clark, Christof Meerwald (cmeerw), Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar), Peter Haworth (pmh1wheel), Paul Evans (LeoNerd), Wendy Van Dijk (woolfy), Gabriele Hack (gabimuc), James Morris, Anatolie Mazur (Mask), Johnathan Swan, Gertraud Unterreitmeier (Gertraud), Andrew Ford, Sags, Tim Bunce, JJ Allen, Cass Johnston, Sveinn Sandvik Svendsen, Ben Martin, Othello Maurer, Graham Seaman, pete bristow, Rafiq Gemmail (Raf), Colin Petrie, knewt,