High scale flavour - recipies for message queueing
By Tomas Doran (t0m) from drinkers.pm
Date: Saturday, 4 December 2010 12:50
Duration: 20 minutes
Tags: activemq gearman json rabbitmq
This talk will introduce the basics of message queueing, STOMP (the Streamed Text Oriented Messaging Protocol) and AMQP (the Advanced
Message Queuing Protocol), including why message queuing is a good idea for scalability and reduced latency in web applications.
After the initial theory, an in-depth analysis will be conducted; comprising a number of useful messaging based patterns and a discussion of practical implementations, with reference to
CPAN modules available to build message based systems.
Attended by: Matthew Black, Mike Whitaker (Penfold), fifi, Ed Freyfogle, Fabio Ponciroli, Tom Hukins, Martin Evans (mjevans), David Faux, Nicholas Clark, Christof Meerwald (cmeerw), Katherine Spice, Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker (ilmari), Daniel Lukasiak, Farley Balasuriya (Questorian), Peter Haworth (pmh1wheel), Gabriele Hack (gabimuc), Paul Evans (LeoNerd), Robin Edwards (rob), Gertraud Unterreitmeier (Gertraud), James Morris, Anatolie Mazur (Mask), Silvano Luciani, Brian Gough, Marco Fontani (mfontani), Johnathan Swan, Joel Bernstein (joel), Tim Bunce, JJ Allen, Cass Johnston, Ben Martin, Andy Smith, Othello Maurer, Dave Evans, David Leadbeater (dg), Alex Burzyński (AJGB), Tomasz Czepiel (tjmc), Pedro Figueiredo (pfig), Colin Petrie, knewt,