Cooking a rabbit pie
By Tomas Doran (t0m) from drinkers.pm
Date: Saturday, 4 December 2010 14:55
Duration: 40 minutes
Tags: anyevent. catalyst json message queueing rabbitmq
This talk will introduce the Net::RabbitFoot AMQP client, discuss the specific advantages that the AMQP protocol gives you over other messaging implementations
After the initial theory, the talk will focus on specific applications over AMQP, with practical applications.
It will cover simple available utilities to interact with RabbitMQ, such as the utilities included in Net::RabbitFoot, onto those which (whilst still simple), build upon them (such as App::RabbitTail).
It will also cover the job scheduling and status system I have written (CatalystX::JobServer), including how to use it for basic tasks, its architecture, and how to extend it with custom messaging components for your application(s).
Web::Hippie is an abstraction for creating persistent HTTP pipes - I will discuss (and demonstrate) this as used by CatalystX::JobServer to feed back realtime status information to users.
Attended by: Tom Hukins, Mike Whitaker (Penfold), David Faux, Nicholas Clark, James Mastros (theorbtwo), Torsten Raudssus (Getty), Daniel Lukasiak, Farley Balasuriya (Questorian), Gabriele Hack (gabimuc), Neil Hemingway (neilh), Colin Campbell, Joel Bernstein (joel), Tim Bunce, JJ Allen, Ben Martin, Andy Smith, Michael Jemmeson (michael), Dave Evans, Alex BurzyĆski (AJGB), Tomasz Czepiel (tjmc), Rafiq Gemmail (Raf), Pedro Figueiredo (pfig), Christof Meerwald (cmeerw), Colin Petrie, knewt,