It's a small world / You're doing it wrong
By James Laver (jjl) from LGBT.PM, London.pm, drinkers.pm, teetotal.pm
Date: Saturday, 4 December 2010 11:15
Duration: 40 minutes
The web lets people from all over the world touch your code inappropriately. This is going to expose bugs you might not know how to deal with and that almost everybody gets wrong. I'll teach you how to deal with the common pitfalls of working with an internationally available website.
Attended by: Neil Hemingway (neilh), Katherine Spice, Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar), Peter Haworth (pmh1wheel), Squeeky, Paul Evans (LeoNerd), Robin Edwards (rob), Rosellyne Worrall (rozallin), Joel Bernstein (joel), JJ Allen, Michael Jemmeson (michael), pete bristow, Martin Evans (mjevans), Colin Petrie, knewt,