Frequently Asked Questions
So is this really going ahead?
Who is the organiser?
Mark Keating, contact him at his Shadowcat address.
How many people are going to turn up?
We estimate about 150-250 people. Last year we got about 200.
And how much is going to cost.
Nothing. Nada. Zip. Our sponsors rock.
So, is there going to be a tshirt?
The workshop is free. If we made tshirts then we'd have to charge and that would just be silly. So we came up with an exciting idea...we made designs and put them on spreadshirt.net
http://shadowcat.spreadshirt.co.uk/ for you to peruse and buy without prejudice or fear of charging for our very free event :).
Feel free to print your own designs up if you want, there may be a prize.
How about muffins? Or other food?
No. Again with the keeping the costs down.
Well this is not entirely true...
We don't plan to provide food or other elements of paraphenalia, however we do have awesome sponsors.
For 2011 we will be providing, cakes, coffee, buffet food and free beer (minimum one round), all supplied by our sponsors. See the sponsors pages, wiki and keep an eye on the news pages for more information.
Nope. For start it's more hassle to set up and would have to be cleared by Westminster University.
Secondly it's rude to type during someone's talk and when you're out of talks you should be socialising :)
Seriously though, there will be wireless right?
No. We're hoping to start a trend.
The London Perl Workshop doesn't provide wifi, so why the suspicious rumours of wifi at London Perl Workshop 2011?
The case is simple, in 2011 a number of training sessions need wifi and some of the trainers need to have and share a wifi connection so their students can do the class.
We do not provide wifi at LPW, we never intend to. This is a specific exception. The wifi costs at the University are very expensive and this is a free conference to attend.
The wifi in 2011 is sponsored by Shadowcat Systems Limited.
Will the slides be put on line afterwards.
We hope so. We're also going to try and film the talks but we're not making any promises whatsoever.
Is there an official hotel?
No, sorry, we tried to make things as simple for ourselves as possible.
Are the London Perl Mongers doing anything on the Friday night before the workshop?
Yes, probably.