Lightning Talks
10/11/11 21:00 by Mark Keating (mdk)
Each year I force people to submit lightning talks before the event (in contrast to some events) with the premise that I need to time things, which is true. Each year people try to squeeze an extra talk in and I either refuse them or find the time.
This year is no different, wait, this year is different.
There are 4 (four) open Lightning Talk slots that can be grabbed on the day, they will be on the whim of Léon Bocard which gets accepted as he is Master of Lightning Talks, and they will only be available from 13:10 onwards (lunch and beyond).
Conference Survey
10/11/11 19:49 by Mark Keating (mdk)
If you are registered for the London Perl Workshop 2011 you will have received in your inbox a link to the conference surveys. This year I am seeking feedback about the whole of the experience of the conference, and for those who attend specific talks some discussion of those for the speakers is much appreciated.
We are advancing the shape and feel of the London Perl Workshop and in future years want to provide the best experience we possibly can so your input is appreciated.
Please make sure to use the field for notes to raise points such as "How about splitting the conference training sessions/workshops out on to a different day" as suggested by James 'theorbtwo' Mastros or "lets have two days one corporate and one community" from Matt S. Trout.
You can also email me with suggestions. Feel free to grab me on irc or on the day, but if you want me to add your comments to a list or to my various notation files then an email is the best way forwards.
Thanks in advance.
Friday Evening Social
09/11/11 09:28 by Mark Keating (mdk)
From Ilmari:
Hi all,
As you are surely aware, the London Perl Workshop is this Saturday. In preparation for this we must slake our thirsts and (for nervous speakers) fortify our wills and/or calm our nerves. For these purposes we shall gather on Friday evening at The Gunmakers, where the lovely Jeff will serve us tasty ales, lagers, ciders, spirits, foods and more.
So come one, come all, to:
The Gunmakers 13 Eyre Street Hill Clerkenwell EC1R 5ET
Schedule Updates
07/11/11 09:35 by Mark Keating (mdk)
As usual there are schedule updates in the final days before the conference and these have been reflected in the online schedule.
Please make sure to keep a close eye on this schedule, especially if you are a speaker, to ensure you know where you are speaking (times -should- not change but room allocation will be based upon subscription numbers).
Conference Surveys
03/11/11 12:48 by Mark Keating (mdk)
This year I have asked Barbie (of CPAN Testers, Birmingham.pm, Rock 'n" Roll Roadie and Conference Surveys fame) to run a conference survey for the London Perl Workshop.
You will all be emailed after the event with links to the surveys after the conference, and I will remind you on the day as well.
The surveys are extremely useful to both speakers and organisers in judging the current and future events and it would be a great benefit if as many of you as possible could fill them out.
Thanks in advance.
Schedule online
29/10/11 20:14 by Mark Keating (mdk)
The London Perl Workshop schedule for the days' events is finally online. You can view the LPW schedule here. Please make sure that if you are attending a talk you mark so on your personal schedule so that we can judge attendance numbers and move talks between rooms if necessary.
Thanks :).
Newsletter 4
26/10/11 18:47 by Mark Keating (mdk)
The latest Newsletter for the Conference should be hitting inboxes (sometimes multiple times) around the world right now. If you don't subscribe to the lists you can read it online on our wiki.
Newsletter 3
18/10/11 18:10 by Mark Keating (mdk)
All around the globe people are checking their inboxes as another London Perl Workshop newsletter hits them at high speed and hopefully remains intact.
If you are not one of the lucky souls to have received this newsletter, or one of those rare few who have gathered several copies, then you can read the Newsletter here on our very own wiki.
Aunty "Social" Media
16/10/11 14:16 by Mark Keating (mdk)
So apparently we are into the second decade of the 21st century, what a notion indeed a 21st century, my and the jet pants we were promised in the 20th are not here. On the other hand we do have Star Trekkian data input devices and a wealth of social media portals that would make PK Dick curl up into a drug-induced coma. So if you are of the inclination you could use them:
- Lanyrd: (Lanyd LPW2011), Join the conference page;
- Facebook: LPW page (facebook.com/LondonPerlWorkshop) "Like" it, "Share" it, browse the pictures from past LPWs;
- Twitter: follow mdk (your organiser Mark Keating) (shadowcat_mdk on Twitter);
Oh no, not wifi!
16/10/11 09:56 by Mark Keating (mdk)
The London Perl Workshop doesn't provide wifi, our FAQs even state this (see: LPW FAQs [2011]), so why are there suspicious rumours of wifi at London Perl Workshop 2011?
The case is simple, this year we have a number of training sessions and some of the trainers need to have and share a wifi connection so their students can do the class. These will be limited and they will only last for the training session, we will be asking people to drop the details as they are needed in other sessions.
We do not provide wifi at LPW (see: LPW FAQs [2011]), we never intend to. This is a specific exception. The wifi costs at the University are very expensive and this is a free conference to attend.
the wifi is sponsored by Shadowcat Systems Limited.
Training Sessions
16/10/11 09:54 by Mark Keating (mdk)
The training sessions for London Perl Workshop have opened for attendance. Please make a note that some of these sessions will have limited numbers because of room and wifi restrictions.
Sign up and add to your schedules so we can verify rooms and details.
Net-A-Porter sponsor training session from Gabor Szabo
07/10/11 11:10 by Mark Keating (mdk)
Net-A-Porter will be sponsoring a training session at the London Perl Workshop. They have provided the funds for us to fly over and house Gabor Szabo who will run a 4hr training session on Testing.
The session will focus on: If you are changing a piece of code and cannot easily test it, when you are starting a new project it is easy to write lots of tests as you go along. Either before you write the code or after. When you are dropped in an existing project, one that might already be in production, you have a much more difficult task. In this 4 hour session we will take a look at both cases and we will have an initial understanding on how to avoid going crazy while satisfying the requirements of your boss or client.
1) Introduction to TAP - the Test Anything Protocol 2) Testing tools in Perl for testing Perl Modules (Test::Simple, Test::More) 3) Writing unit tests for new code 4) What does test coverage mean, how to generate it and how to use it? 5) Testing web applications 6) Testing command line applications 7) White box testing, black box testing and what's in between.
Most of the time will be spent as a lecture but if you bring your computer you will be able to do some hands on exercises as well.
The course is base on the QA Test Automation using Perl class Perl in Test Automation
T-shirts have landed.
27/09/11 15:26 by Mark Keating (mdk)
A new range of t-shirts for this year's London Perl Workshop have landed on the Shadowcat Spreadshirt site. Shadowcat kindly sponsor the time spent in organising the workshop (from Mark Keating,Chris Jackson, Matt S. Trout and Leigh Keating) as well as sponsoring the event fiscally.
Take a look at the t-shirts and if you are attending you might like to purchase one.
Newsletter 2 launched
22/09/11 19:43 by Mark Keating (mdk)
The second Newsletter for this year's conference has been mailed to the appropriate lists, if however you are not a subscriber you can view it online here:
Facebook Page
22/09/11 18:58 by Mark Keating (mdk)
The London Perl Workshop now has a Facebook Page to be promoted using that virulent and expansive social medium, so if you are a FB member please remember to "like" the page so that we can grab the name and spam you in another medium :) (though you can stop it doing this in the preferences IIRC).
Wiki updated
05/09/11 19:18 by Mark Keating (mdk)
The wiki page for the London Perl Workshop has been recently updated and now provides pages with:
* More information about our sponsors; * Historical archive of conference announcements; * pages for the pre- and post-event meetings;
Conference attendees and sponsors should feel free to update, add to and create new pages on this wiki.