Oh no, not wifi!
16/10/11 09:56 by Mark Keating (mdk)
The London Perl Workshop doesn't provide wifi, our FAQs even state this (see: LPW FAQs [2011]), so why are there suspicious rumours of wifi at London Perl Workshop 2011?
The case is simple, this year we have a number of training sessions and some of the trainers need to have and share a wifi connection so their students can do the class. These will be limited and they will only last for the training session, we will be asking people to drop the details as they are needed in other sessions.
We do not provide wifi at LPW (see: LPW FAQs [2011]), we never intend to. This is a specific exception. The wifi costs at the University are very expensive and this is a free conference to attend.
the wifi is sponsored by Shadowcat Systems Limited.