List of talks tagged wxperl

Submitted talks: 2
Accepted talks: 2


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Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Davide Bergamini (‎davidebe‎) ‎[talk] SCADA in perl‎ 40 minutes Italiano 19/09/08 12:10


Interventi che descrivono alcune delle principali librerie per gestire interfacce grafiche da Perl

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Mattia Barbon ‎[talk] Introduzione a wxPerl‎ 40 minutes Italiano 19/09/08 11:20

Platinum Sponsors

A-Tono Dada S.p.A. Opera software pair Networks Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA

Gold Sponsors

ActiveState Linux&C O'Reilly Media Seeweb Smart Open Software

Silver Sponsors

Apress Computer Shop No Starch Press Sytel Reply The Pragmatic Bookshelf Università di Pisa


italpro Packt publishing Canonical


Comune di Pisa YAPC Europe Foundation Perl Foundation