Streaming YAML - a semantic piping shell in Perl
Streaming YAML - a semantic piping shell in Perl
Di osfameron da,,,
Data: venerdì 23 ottobre 2009 11:20
Durata: 30 minuti
Tipo di pubblico: Tutti
Lingua: English
Etichette: monads moose perl pipe powershell shell streaming yaml
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- Intervento:
Unix has always had a philosophy of composable tools, where one tool outputs to the next in a pipeline.
But the technique of piping a *textual* stream of data, and having to extract data out of it is looking a bit long in the tooth. Microsoft (not historically an innovator in its shell environment :-) has stolen a march with its Powershell.
Can we do better in Perl? With composable streams of objects? Written in a modern OO framework (Moose)?
You bet we can!
(Note: the software referred to in this abstract is vapourware... conference driven development for the win!)
Seguito da: Stefano Tirabassi, Tim Bunce, Emanuele Zeppieri (emazep), Mona REMLAWI, peppe, Fabio Invernizzi (fabulus), Marco Fontani (mfontani),