How to impress your coworkers, or playing Perl in a team
How to impress your coworkers, or playing Perl in a team
Di Maciej Czekay (Bruno) da,,
Data: venerdì 23 ottobre 2009 12:00
Durata: 20 minuti
Tipo di pubblico: Intermedio
Lingua: English
For years the motto of Perl was TIMTOWTDI, and as a consequence it gained the fame of very flexible language, or even too flexible.
YAPC::EU 2009 brought us the second part of TIMTOWTDI phrase - the BSCINABTE (Bicarbonate). Do we need it? Why we need it? How to tame the ego and bend the mind to a specific style? Is it worthy? And how to impress the coworkers?
Almost year ago I joined the Perl based company, where I had (and still have) a lot of opportunities to ask those questions and sometimes even find some answers. Here I would like to share those experiences, and talk about coding style, comments and documentation, functional programming for mortals - and show some real-code examples.
Seguito da: Emanuele Zeppieri (emazep), Stefano Rodighiero (larsen), Tim Bunce, Mona REMLAWI, menozero, peppe, Maciej Czekay (Bruno), Fabio Invernizzi (fabulus), Gianmarco Poma (il giamma), andrea ciampalini, lorenzo, Marco d'Itri (Md), Stefano Tirabassi, Marco Fontani (mfontani), Mathias Reitinger (mathias),