RESTful HTTP responses with Perl (or, how I learned to stop worrying and love RFC2616)
RESTful HTTP responses with Perl (or, how I learned to stop worrying and love RFC2616)
By Joel Bernstein (joel) from
Date: Thursday, 22 October 2009 16:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Advanced
Language: English
Tags: http rest rfc2616
The HTTP RFC gives fantastic detail about how responses from a RESTful application should instruct a conforming user-agent to behave, and about the contexts in which different responses are appropriate. Yet many HTTP applications seem to know little more than "200 OK".
We can improve on this situation by encapsulating some of the logic embodied in the HTTP 1.1 RFC. The rationale being that the developer can think in terms closer to his application domain and a little further away from the underlying protocol, but while still being able to develop highly REST-compliant web APIs.
Attended by: Tim Bunce, Stefano Tirabassi, Ferruccio Zamuner (ferz), Michele Beltrame (arthas), Emanuele Zeppieri (emazep), simotrone, Fabio Invernizzi (fabulus), Henry Snoek, lorenzo, Mona REMLAWI, menozero, Fernando Vezzosi (Bucciarati), Marco d'Itri (Md), michele bracci, Mathias Reitinger (mathias),