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Workshop Registration

25/11/08 17:24 by Mark Keating (‎mdk‎)

Workshop Registration will begin on the morning of the event at 8.30 a.m., and continue throughout the day - find a workshop volunteer to help you if there is no one on the desk (or just grab mdk who will have no clue :0 ).

Schedule for the day as PDF

24/11/08 10:28 by Mark Keating (‎mdk‎)

A schedule for the LPW tutorials, based on Mark Keating's working schedule can be found at:


The Schedule can be a little confusing to read, but the basic premise is Time/Duration/Event let you know what is starting-how long it is and when it starts and the next four columns simply cover location of the event.

Raffle prizes

18/11/08 14:03 by Mark Keating (‎mdk‎)

Their is a Raffle to be held at the conference on behalf of ActionAid (http://www.actionaid.org) by IDL. Tickets will be available on the day from a manned stand and the raffle will be held after the Lightning Talks. Tickets are priced at £1 each.

If you would like to purchase tickets beforehand (or know people who want to), then cheques made out to Action Aid can be sent to: Mark Keating, Shadowcat Systems Limited, The Barracks, Lancaster, LA1 4XQ. If you wish to collect cheques and bring to the event then we will issue tickets there, a complete list of all tickets bought before the event will be made available online (with initials used to protect identities at http://www.markkeating.me.uk/lpw2008/raffle/raffle.html) and a list of numbers will be published at the same location afterwards.

The prizes are:

Canon 1000D with 18-55mm IS lens.

Other prizes are going to be:

Acer Aspire One A110-AW Netbook

IPOD Nano 16gb

10 prizes of a Limited t-shirt