Perl cures coronary heart disease
By Spiros Denaxas (thefruit) from London.pm
Date: Saturday, 4 December 2010 15:40
Duration: 20 minutes
Tags: medical perl
Life sciences in general such as genetics and biology have traditionally benefitted from Perl with excellent projects leading the way such as bioperl. Unfortunately, in medical research and epidemiology, the picture is different. Researchers are struggling with the ever increasing size and complexity of datasets. This presentation will briefly describe the situation I faced when I first joined a research team working on coronary heart disease, what I did to make things better and how I achieved one small victory for Perl.
Attended by: Squeeky, Ed Freyfogle, Neil Hemingway (neilh), Colin Horne (cdfh), Nicholas Clark, Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker (ilmari), James Mastros (theorbtwo), Gabriele Hack (gabimuc), Robin Edwards (rob), Gertraud Unterreitmeier (Gertraud), Sung Sam Gong (sung), James Morris, Brian Gough, Colin Campbell, fifi, Serife Hawkins-Ozer, Rosellyne Worrall (rozallin), Simon Williams, Christopher Swain (Chris), James Roberts, Joel Bernstein (joel), Cass Johnston, Andy Smith, Christopher Hanna (Chad), Dave Evans, Spiros Denaxas (thefruit), David Leadbeater (dg), Alex Burzyński (AJGB),