Packaging Perl
By Paulo Castro (G@SP@R)
Date: Saturday, 4 December 2010 12:25
Duration: 20 minutes
Tags: centos cpan dependencies perl rhel rpm
A story of how we went about packaging perl and all of the dependencies that our project has.
Where we were before, the chosen path, and the end result.
The pitfalls and a view on the pros and cons of the previous state of affairs versus the pros/cons of the end result.
Attended by: Nicholas Clark, Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar), Gabriele Hack (gabimuc), Daniel Lukasiak, Oliver Gorwits, Gertraud Unterreitmeier (Gertraud), Silvano Luciani, Johnathan Swan, fifi, Serife Hawkins-Ozer, Andrew Ford, Joel Bernstein (joel), Arun Prasaad (arunbear), JJ Allen, Andy Smith, Othello Maurer, David Leadbeater (dg), Graham Seaman, Alex BurzyĆski (AJGB), pete bristow, Squeeky, Pedro Figueiredo (pfig), Sung Sam Gong (sung), Anatolie Mazur (Mask), knewt,