[[TRAINING SESSION]] Learning Perl together workshop (20 people max).
By Ian Norton (idn) from northwestengland.pm, lgbt.pm, hardware.pm
Date: Saturday, 12 November 2011 09:30
Duration: 90 minutes
Language: English
Working in pairs, this workshop will look at some simple coding exercises in Perl and then discuss the proposed solutions and alternatives within the group.
The session will start with some basic theory talking about logic and control
structures within Perl and then people will pair up for ten minutes or so to
look at an exercises between them.
Following a further theory session, we'll continue to further examine and
expand our code and then discuss the solutions within the group and how they
could be further expanded.
Once we've looked at our solutions, we'll discuss where and how to get help
from the community with issues you have after the workshop. This workshop will
require you to have a laptop with a working copy of Perl
This workshop is aimed at Perl beginners or those experienced with another
language looking to cross train in Perl.
You'll need to bring a laptop with you with Perl 5.8 or newer installed.
There are many reasons to upgrade to a newer version than this, but this
workshop will be concentrating on core functionality that's been around for a
Linux distributions and Mac OSX should come with Perl, Windows users will need
to install Strawberry Perl (http://strawberryperl.com/).
Topics included
Variables (scalars, arrays, hashes)
Looping (for, foreach and while)
Flow control (if and unless)
Slides are now available at:
Attended by: Ian Norton (idn), Roland Schmitz (roli), Mallory van Achterberg (Stomme poes), Kaushal Maru, Daryl Anderson, Nicholas Tosis, Ian Marsh, Lewis Tang, James Roberts, Serife Hawkins-Ozer, bharat gupta, Gaia Andreoletti, JAYTANYA Rajachandrasekar, Gillian Forster, Farhan Siddique, Marcus Duyzend, John Hannon,