How CPAN Testers helped me improve my module
By Leon Brocard (acme) from London.pm
Date: Saturday, 12 November 2011 12:50
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English
Tags: cpan testers
It's quite hard to write cross-platform CPAN modules, especially when you use XS to interface with C libraries. Luckily, CPAN Testers tests your modules on many platforms for you. Come see how CPAN Testers helped me to create a fully portable module.
Attended by: Tom Hukins, kevin dawson (bowtie), Leon Brocard (acme), Neil Bowers (NEILB), fifi, Serife Hawkins-Ozer, Dominic Thoreau, Paul Evans (LeoNerd), Mark Norman Francis, Adam Trickett (ajt), Dominic Humphries (djh), Christopher Hanna (Chad), Nicholas Clark, Graeme Hewson, Claes Jakobsson (claes), Arthur Schmidt (fREW), BinGOs, Jess Robinson (castaway),