
Become a sponsor!

If you or your company wants to give something back to the Perl community, please consider sponsoring the Twin City Perl Workshop. We are looking for sponsoring in any form (books, goodies, money,...). An easy way to sponsor the event is to pay the business tariff. In addition to the nice and fuzzy feeling in your stomach a sponsorship will bring you the following benefits:

For more information regaring sponsorship, please send an email to twincity AT rt.useperl.at

Our Sponsors:

The Vienna Perl Mongers, who put lots of time into organising the event, and also pay for the venue.
The Bratislava Perl Mongers, who also put lots of time into organising the event.
YAPC::Europe Foundation

Sponsoring ACT (framework for the conference website) & credit card payment system

Founded in the Netherlands, as the 'YAPC::Europe Foundation' or 'YEF', the current board also has members from England, Germany and France, plus subcommittee members from other countries.

Our goal is to provide a focal point for Perl events in Europe. To this end, we offer an on-line registration system, mailing lists, advice, and may supply limited financial assistance. We look forward to being of service to like-minded Perl enthusiasts.

Hewlett-Packard Slovakia Hewlett-Packard Slovakia

Hewlett-Packard Slovakia bude sponzorovať prenájom priestorov v Bratislave + projektor + catering (včítane obeda).

Spoločnosť HP sa zaoberá vývojom technológií a má pobočky vo viac ako 170 krajinách sveta. Skúmame, ako môžu technológie a služby pomôcť ľudom a spoločnostiam riešiť ich problémy a čeliť výzvam. Pomáhame im pri napĺňaní ich potenciálu na ceste za splnením ich ambícií a snov. Neustále sa pokúšame zlepšovať životy a pracovné podmienky našich zákazníkov.

Žiadna iná spoločnosť neponúka portfólio s takou pestrou paletou technológií ako HP. Poskytujeme riešenia pre infraštruktúru a podniky, počnúc vreckovými zariadeniami a končiac najvýkonnejšími svetovými superpočítačmi. Spotrebiteľom ponúkame širokú paletu produktov a služieb, ktorá pokrýva aj oblasti ako digitálna fotografia a zábava, programovanie na počítači, ale aj domáca tlač. Naše rozsiahle portfólio nám pomáha zosúladiť tie správne produkty, služby a riešenia so špecifickými potrebami našich zákazníkov.

O'Reilly O'Reilly

O'Reilly supports us with some books.

O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O'Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

Packt Publishing Packt Logo

Packt sent us two books for the auction.

Packt Publishing is a modern, unique publishing company with a focus on producing cutting-edge books for communities of developers, administrators, and newbie’s alike. They are perhaps better known for their books on content management systems, however their range covers AJAX and Asterisk to WordPress and jQuery. They have an Open Source royalty scheme wherein on the sale of each of their books written on an Open Source project, they pay a royalty directly to that project. Packt has paid over $100,000 as royalty to Open Source projects to date.

Geizhals.at Geizhals.at Logo

Geizhals.at will pay the traveling expences for the workshop attendies between Vienna and Bratislava.

www.geizhals.at is a price comparison website which focuses primarily on technical products ranging from IT-components to consumer electronics and household appliances. Geizhals is run by the Preisvergleich Internet Services AG in Vienna, Austria.

Currently Geizhals features more than 900 traders, 239864 products and 5661103 prices.

With 1,7 million unique-clients and 47 million page-impressions per month, the company runs one of the biggest price comparison websites in the german market.

Well, and all this stuff is handled by Perl programs.

Copyright © 2003-2008 Verein 'Vienna.pm - Verein zur Förderung der Programmiersprache Perl'.
To contact the organisers send an email to twincity@rt.useperl.at