Wiki - Saturday lunch

The Hotel Baronka proposes us 12 different menus. We are free to choose
all the
menus if we want. So in theory we could have the 12 menus served to us. All
menus include a soup (mushroom cream) and a desert.

The first menus are with meat, the last menus are vegeratian and the
very last
is with fish. The first item in the menu is the main dish, most menus
have a side
dish which is described in the second item.

Dobrú chuť!

Menu I
- Turkey breast "Gordon Blue" (filled with cheese and ham)
- Baked potatoes

(write your name here)

Menu II
- Chicken steak with asparagus, bacon and a cheese sauce
- Baked potatoes

(write your name here)

Menu III
- Fried chicken breast fried in a potato dough
- Rice with peas

(write your name here)

Menu IV
- Chicken breast baked with blue cheese, mushrooms and bacon
- French fries - rice or boiled potatoes with butter

(write your name here)

Menu V
- Pork steak "gypsy style" ??!?? ("cigánskeho primáša")
- Country side potatoes ??!?? (vidiecke zemiaky)

(write your name here)

Menu VI
- Pork "St-John's fire" - a mild spicy sauté
- French fries or rice

(write your name here)

Menu VII
- Turkey steak in butter with pineapples
- Boiled potatoes - rice

(write your name here)

Menu VIII (vegetarian)
- Baked broccoli with cheese and almonds
- Boiled potatoes with butter

(write your name here)

Menu IX (vegetarian)
- Boiled broccoli with a cheese sauce
- Boiled potatoes

(write your name here)

Menu X (vegetarian)
- Penne Primavera with tomatoes and mozzarella

(write your name here)

Menu XI (vegetarian)
- Fried cheese (Camembert) with cranberries
- Boiled potatoes with butter

(write your name here)

Menu XII (fish)
- Tuna salad with tomatoes, eggs and olives.

(write your name here)

verzia 2 uložené 30.10.08 18:54 Jozef Kutej (‎jozef‎)

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