[talk] Gtk+2 e Perl

[talk] Gtk+2 e Perl

By Gianni Ceccarelli (‎dakkar‎) from Pisa.pm,Italia.pm,London.pm
Date: Friday, 19 September 2008 10:10
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: Italiano
Tags: glade gtk gui

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Una panoramica dell'uso di Gtk+2 in Perl, con libglade. Include l'analisi di un programma (un semplice file-manager a due pannelli)

Attended by: Fabrizio Ciacchi, Michele Dell'Aquila, Carlo Caminati, Valerio Paolini (‎valdez‎), per arne sletner,

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