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Sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2005

Hora Fotango log Sapo
09:00 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Lightning Talks - Session 2‎ (60 min., )
10:00 ‎Announcements‎ (20 min.)
10:20 ‎NJAPHs awards‎ (10 min.)
10:30 ‎Questions and Answers with Larry Wall‎ (30 min.)
11:00 ‎Coffee Break‎ (30 min.)
11:30 Karen Pauley - ‎The Decline of Perl?‎ (20 min., ) Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎) - ‎HTTP::Proxy, nipping and tucking the web‎ (40 min., ) Abigail - ‎Lexical Attributes‎ (90 min., )
11:50 Marc Kerr - ‎Perl Everywhere: From the Bible to Necronomicon (and beyond)‎ (20 min., )
12:15 Marty Pauley (‎maokt‎) - ‎The Other .pl‎ (20 min., ) João Pedro Gonçalves - ‎High availability Perl Apps on a large ISP‎ (20 min., )
12:40 Barbie - ‎"Wyt ti'n medru siarad Saesneg?" And Why You Need A Phrasebook‎ (20 min., ) Tarek Ahmed - ‎Pod::WSDL - Generating WSDLs Using pod Markup‎ (20 min., )
13:00 ‎Lunch (on your own, suggestions provided)‎ (90 min.)
14:30 Mark Fowler (‎Trelane‎) - ‎Camelbones - Perl and Cocoa‎ (40 min., ) Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (‎maddingue‎) - ‎CSS Crash Course‎ (20 min., ) Abigail - ‎Regexp::Common‎ (90 min., )
14:50 Jonathan Stowe (‎gellyfish‎) - ‎Protecting your web applications with the DNS‎ (20 min., )
15:20 Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎) - ‎Introduction to GTK+‎ (40 min., ) mock - ‎Serving DNS with mod_perl and Apache‎ (20 min., )
15:40 Tom Hukins - ‎Using Perl to Gather Information from the Web‎ (20 min., )
16:00 ‎Coffee Break‎ (30 min.)
16:30 ‎Auction‎ (90 min.)
18:00 ‎Wrap-up‎ (30 min.)
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