Elegant^Elegant: Web application metaprogramming with Reaction

Elegant^Elegant: Web application metaprogramming with Reaction

By Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) from northwestengland.pm, dahut.pm, drinkers.pm, lgbt.pm
Date: Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:10
Duration: 30 minutes
Tags: catalyst class dbix meta moose mvc web

Reaction is an application metamodel built using the Catalyst MVC web framework and the Moose metaprotocol and object system.

Component-based UI models work for the desktop but how do you apply them to the web? Can continuation based design help and what do you do about human friendly bookmarkable URLs and minimising stored state? Why are we dependent on scaffolds and can reflection and a metaprotocol help? Matt presents one possible set of answers and the thought process behind the implementation.

Attended by: David Jack Wange Olrik (‎davidolrik‎), Lars Balker (‎lb‎), Anton Berezin (‎Grrrr‎), Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker (‎ilmari‎), Paul-Christophe Varoutas, Chisel Wright, Casper Warming (‎warming‎), Michael Lang (‎langmic‎), Jacob Bunk Nielsen, Bartosz Jakubski (‎migo‎), Imran Chaudhry (‎icjs‎), Steffen Mueller, Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎), Adam Sjøgren (‎asjo‎), Jason Tang (‎jason‎), Edmund von der Burg (‎evdb‎), Patrick Donelan (‎patspam‎), Leo Lapworth (‎ranguard‎), Dmitry Karasik (‎McFist‎), Sven Esbjerg, Nigel Metheringham (‎nigelm‎), Nicolas Mendoza (‎nicomen‎), Josh McAdams (‎jmcadams‎), David Leadbeater (‎dg‎), Roberto Henríquez, Kaare Rasmussen, Nicholas Oxhøj (‎noxhoej‎), Jason Armstrong, Tobias Henoeckl (‎hoeni‎), Andreas Hetey, Michael Kröll (‎pepl‎), Stan Sawa, Hermen Lesscher (‎hermen‎), Darko Obradovic, Sebastian Willert, Stefan Hanski, Roman Baumer (‎rba‎), Jos Boumans (‎kane‎), Mark Keating (‎mdk‎), Søren Lund (‎slu‎), Bart Lateur, Alex Kapranoff (‎kappa‎), Aristotle, mirod, Darius Jokilehto, Matija Grabnar (‎matija‎),