I would like to use some of the spare time during and around YAPC to make some progress on Padre - the Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment

There is going to be a BOF on Thursday (14th) at 17:30
(or whenever the talks are over). Location: room 2.07

As a minimum it would be great to hook some more people on Padre and get them write some code in it. Better yet, for it.

Some of the tasks people might want to work on:

Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎)

Hackathon: I am staying till 17th in the evening so on the two days
after YAPC I'd be glad to work on Padre with interested parties.

version 7 saved on 13/08/08 23:12 by Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎)

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