Perl Mongers BOF

A BOF to offer help and advice to anyone planning to start a Perl Mongers group, as well as leaders and members of existing groups. Several long standing group leaders and Perl community members will be at the conference, and this is a chance for new or smaller groups to get advice on what things can help them increase the profile of Perl and Perl Mongers in their local area.

A second objective for the BOF is to allow any group, who might be interested in organising a future YAPC::Europe conference, to ask questions and get advice from current and past organisers. The future of YAPC::Europe depends on groups willing to host the event, and while once organisers were tasked with everything, there is now a support network of previous organisers, who are willing to help and relieve some of the burden of organisation. Come along and meet them and get inspired :)

Interested Parties

version 9 saved on 27/06/08 10:27 by Barbie

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