Perl 6 ♥ the Web
Perl 6 ♥ the Web
By Carl Mäsak (masak)
Date: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 14:55
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Everyday Perl
Tags: cgi mvc perl6 web
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
With Rakudo coming along nicely, there is an increasing need for easy deployment of applications on the Web. Cut off from the modules on CPAN, we had the extraordinary opportunity to completely rethink how we do Web stuff, and pull in the best from other projects into a coherent whole. Rather than reinvent the wheel, we knocked on the doors of many other projects out there, and looked at their wheels.
Say goodbye to and meet, a Web module for Perl 6 and the 21st century.
Attended by: António Martins (ammartins), Jonathan Worthington (jnthn), Piers Cawley (pdcawley), Patrick Michaud (Pm), Steffen Schwigon (renormalist), Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim), Damian Conway (damian), Damon Davison (allolex), Andrey Shitov (ash), Panu Ervamaa (pnu), Armando Reis (AReis), Joaquín Ferrero (explorer), André Cruz (edevil), Clinton Gormley (DrTech), Markus Wichmann (telemorphix), Jordi Porta, Roman Baumer (rba), Jose Neta (jpn), oleber, Marcos Ramos (x), Curtis Poe (Ovid), Alex Kapranoff (kappa), Mark Morgan, Jose L. Hernandez, Rosellyne Worrall (rozallin), Adilson Barros, Filipe Moreira, Aristotle, Carlos Juan Diaz (cjuan), Wendy Van Dijk (woolfy), Rafael Antonio (RA), Pedro Rodrigues (careca), David Faux, Jorge Morgado, Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz), Enrique Nell (e-nell), Alexandru Nedelcu, Philippe Bruhat (BooK), jani, Farley Balasuriya (Questorian), Markus Pinkert (Bedivere), Gabor Szabo (szabgab), Tiago Grego, Samuel Junqueira (SamyBoy), Manuel Gomes (wagemage), Drew Taylor (drewbie), Ricardo Marques (ricmarques), Darius Jokilehto, Bálint Szilakszi (szbalint), Tobias Kremer (soulchild), David Leadbeater (dg), Jose Plana, Beatriz Nombela Escobar, Wieland Gmeiner, Christian Westgaard (ComLock), Henrique Alves (Halves), Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar), Herbert Breunung (lichtkind), Carlos Pires (acmpires), Marcelo Rodrigues (marcelo), Olivier Mengué (dolmen), Smylers, Enrique J Hernandez Blasco (sixstone), geira,