Submitted talks: 160
Accepted talks: 120


acme administration advocacy aggregation ai algorithms amazon announcements application architecture armenian arrays auction autobox autodie awesome aws backlog bank beginner beginners believe benchmarking best bioinspired blog browser bugs bugtracker business calendar callbacks catalyst catch cgi champlain cloud clutter cms code collation community computing conference conferences configuration controller corporate cpan cpants crawler dangerous database databases datetime db dbi dbic dbix::class debt debugging declare defects deficiencies deployment devel::declare development documentation ec2 editor emacs email enlightened entrepreneurship epo event evolutionary exception exceptions extracting feeds finance fp framework fun functional_programming future git glue graph guts hack hackmeet hard hashes html http humour ide inheritance ipc japan jifty justice keynote kiokudb klingon language local logging lt management manuscripts map marketing mason medieval meta metadata mixins mod_perl model modern module modules monads moose moosex mvc mysql nested network nytprof oo oodbms openstreemaps opera operators orange orm p2p p5p packages packaging padre par parsimony patching perl perl5 perl510 perl6 perlanet persistence pg pipe planet plone plugins pm practice process production prophet qa query quick rakudo rdbms reaction references regex relax releasemanagement reporting rest reuse rfc2616 roles rpm rt ruby scalars schema science secret security signal social speaking sql sqlite standards static statistics stemmatology storage subroutines substitutions subversion survey sweeperbot sync systems tags tap technical technological test testing text threads tisql tlhingan to toolchain tools tpf trac traits try tt2 twitter unix variables view virtualization volunteers web webgui webmail webservices workshop wtf xml xs xsd yapc


No track

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Barbie ‎The (Abridged) Statistics Of CPAN‎
[ Talk ]
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎Kephra on rising‎ lightning  
Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎) ‎A decade of Perl conferences, all over the world‎
[ Abstract ]
Piers Cawley (‎pdcawley‎) ‎Short Session about Swearing‎ lightning  
Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (‎daxim‎) ‎Smart looking commit histories with git‎ lightning  
Mark Fowler (‎Trelane‎) ‎XML::Easy‎ lightning  
Alex Kapranoff (‎kappa‎) ‎The Game of Future Perl‎ lightning  
Giuseppe Maxia (‎gmax‎) ‎MySQL::Sandbox - Perl Magic for MySQL users and DBAs‎ lightning  
Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) ‎Rakudo Perl Roadmap‎
[ Talk ]
Tina Müller (‎tinita‎) ‎XSS, SQLI, CSRF, WTF?‎ lightning  
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎) ‎Two Successes, One Failure‎ lightning  
Emmanuel Rodriguez (‎potyl‎) ‎Champlain - OpenStreetMaps widget‎
[ Abstract ]
Stefan Seifert (‎Nine‎) ‎CiderWebmail - whooping squirrelmail's butt‎ lightning  
Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎) ‎Measuring Perl in square kilometers‎ lightning  
Lars Thegler (‎tagg‎) ‎Chopping up stuff‎ lightning  
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎Rum, bloggery and the lash‎
[ Abstract ]

Beginning Perl

This is a track targeted at Perl programmers who yet don't have a lot of expertise. Here you'll learn a lot of basic and very important stuff.

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Barbie ‎The Never-Ending Jigsaw‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 16:00
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (‎maddingue‎) ‎True production code‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 11:15
Lech Baczyński (‎lechu‎) ‎The WTFish side of using Perl‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 03/08/09 15:10
Roman Baumer (‎rba‎) ‎Hash of hashes of arrays of scalars - or how to manage data structures‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 03/08/09 10:30
H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎) ‎How can I improve my module‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 16:00
Damian Conway (‎damian‎) ‎Perl 6 update‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 14:00
Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) ‎Working with databases‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 11:55
Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) ‎Emacs, a performant IDE for Perl‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 14:45
brian d foy (‎brian d foy‎) ‎Grenades, chainsaws, tarpits, and newbies‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 11:40
Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) ‎Writing reusable code‎
[ Talk ]
40 minutes 03/08/09 10:55
Peter Makholm (‎brother‎) ‎Regular Expressions: Beyond the fundamentals‎
[ Talk ]
40 minutes 04/08/09 11:40
Brian McCauley (‎Nobull‎) ‎Introduction to regular expressions‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 11:40
Smylers ‎The Speaking at YAPC Crash Course: Part 1‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 10:00
Marty Pauley (‎maokt‎) ‎All your base are belong to...FAIL! // 95% of your bugs fixed‎ 20 minutes 05/08/09 10:20
Marty Pauley (‎maokt‎) ‎My First CPAN Module‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 10:25
Martin Schipany (‎ElCondor‎) ‎Little Black Lights‎
[ Talk ]
40 minutes 05/08/09 09:35
H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎) ‎So you know about CPAN, now what‎ lightning  

Corporate Perl

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Tara Andrews (‎aurum‎) ‎Manuscript genetics and Perl‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 14:10
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks #2‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 16:45
José Castro (‎cog‎) ‎Perl: Alive and Kicking and Stronger than ever!‎ 30 minutes 05/08/09 17:20
Damian Conway (‎damian‎) ‎The Missing Link‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 09:10
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) ‎Why do so many companies re-invent well-known CPAN modules badly ... ?‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 16:00
Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) ‎Managing Geneva courts of law, from Cobol to Perl‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 16:00
Richard Dice ‎Evolving Perl: Where Perl can go and how to get it there‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 11:40
Paul Fenwick (‎pjf‎) ‎Awesome things you've missed in Perl‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 11:55
Pedro Figueiredo (‎pfig‎) ‎Perl in the Cloud‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
20 minutes 04/08/09 10:00
Stefan Hornburg (‎Racke‎) ‎Request Tracker 3.8 & 4.0‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 14:10
Paul Johnson (‎pjcj‎) ‎Banking on Perl‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 14:00
Alex Kapranoff (‎kappa‎) ‎Building a huge webmail system‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 09:35
Mark Keating (‎mdk‎) ‎What is Enlightened Perl? What is the Enlightened Perl Organisation?‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 16:20
Michael Kröll (‎pepl‎) ‎How and why Perl is used in a corporate environment - A case study‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 05/08/09 09:10
Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎) ‎Getting Started with Multithreaded Perl‎
[ Talk ]
40 minutes 05/08/09 11:10
Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) ‎Hacking Rakudo Perl 6‎
[ Talk ]
40 minutes 04/08/09 14:00
Karl Moens (‎CountZero‎) ‎All the Characters of Perl‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 11:40
Sue Mynott (‎virtualsue‎) ‎Perl at Cisco in 2009‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
20 minutes 03/08/09 10:30
Thomas Netousek ‎How Perl brings real-time news to Wall Street‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 15:10
Karen Pauley ‎Remote Controlled Volunteers‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 11:15
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎) ‎Building OO Systems with Roles‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 14:25
Jacinta Richardson (‎jarich‎) ‎Just Get the Job Done! Serving the Community One Argument at a Time.‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 11:40
Luciano Rocha (‎Strange‎) ‎Managing Plone projects with Perl and Subversion‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 10:25
Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎) ‎Cinderella 'TAP: The lazy evaluation sisters of TAP::Parser‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 16:20
JT Smith ‎use perl; my $business = create();‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 11:10
Cosimo Streppone (‎cosimo‎) ‎How Opera Software uses Perl‎
[ Talk ]
40 minutes 03/08/09 10:55
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎Dependency management and deployment strategies for perl5‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 16:40
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎Catching a ::Std - Standardisation and best practices in the perl community‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 14:55
Larry Wall (‎TimToady‎) ‎Keynote‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 09:30
Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎) ‎Perl 6 Roles In Depth‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 14:45
Michael Zedeler (‎mzedeler‎) ‎Redefining technological debt‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 10:00

Everyday Perl

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Abigail ‎Test::Regexp‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 04/08/09 10:25
Barbie ‎Surveying a YAPC‎
[ Abstract ]
20 minutes 05/08/09 14:55
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks #1‎
[ Abstract ]
40 minutes 03/08/09 17:05
Martin Berends (‎mberends‎) ‎Perl 6 for Perl 5 Programmers‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 14:10
Ash Berlin (‎Ash‎) ‎Catch Me If You Can: Sugary exception handling with‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 05/08/09 10:20
Joel Bernstein (‎joel‎) ‎Painless Object-oriented XML with XML::Pastor (2009 remix)‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 03/08/09 10:30
Joel Bernstein (‎joel‎) ‎RESTful HTTP responses with Perl (or, how I learned to stop worrying and love RFC2616)‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 11:15
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎Perl in Wikipedia‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 16:00
Leon Brocard (‎acme‎) ‎Fewer cables‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 03/08/09 15:10
Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎) ‎Perl Secret Operators‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 14:00
Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎) ‎Test::Database - Easy database access for test scripts‎
[ Abstract ]
20 minutes 03/08/09 16:40
osfameron ‎Functional Pe(a)rls‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
40 minutes 03/08/09 14:25
Piers Cawley (‎pdcawley‎) ‎MooseX::Declare - why I started programming in Perl again‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 11:40
Isaac Clerencia ‎eBox MVC architecture‎ 40 minutes 04/08/09 14:00
Aaron Crane (‎arc‎) ‎Unix for Perl programmers: pipes and processes‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 05/08/09 09:10
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) ‎The Planetarium‎ 20 minutes 05/08/09 15:15
Franck Cuny ‎Mapping the CPAN community‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 16:00
Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (‎daxim‎) ‎How I built a modern website on Catalyst, KiokuDB and REST‎ 20 minutes 05/08/09 10:20
Paul Fenwick (‎pjf‎) ‎The Art of Klingon Programming‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 11:40
Paul Fenwick (‎pjf‎) ‎The Art of Klingon Programming‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 14:25
Rafaël Garcia-Suarez (‎rgs‎) ‎Smart matching, a design guide‎ 20 minutes 05/08/09 09:10
Tom Hukins ‎Using CPAN's Toolchain to Manage Your Code‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 04/08/09 10:25
Yusuke Kawasaki (‎kawanet‎) ‎Recent web tech updates from Japan‎
[ Talk ]
40 minutes 04/08/09 14:45
Yuval Kogman (‎nothingmuch‎) ‎Meta Moose‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 10:55
Yuval Kogman (‎nothingmuch‎) ‎KiokuDB‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 16:20
Yuval Kogman (‎nothingmuch‎) ‎Moose Workshop‎
[ Talk ]
130 minutes 04/08/09 14:00
Jozef Kutej (‎jozef‎) ‎Static can be more‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
40 minutes 05/08/09 11:55
Max Maischein (‎Corion‎) ‎CPANr - CPAN modules in under 140 characters‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 04/08/09 11:15
Brian McCauley (‎Nobull‎) ‎Data::Iterator::Hierarchical‎ 20 minutes 04/08/09 16:20
Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎) ‎Still doing evolutionary algorithms with Perl‎ 40 minutes 03/08/09 10:55
Carl Mäsak (‎masak‎) ‎Perl 6 ♥ the Web‎
[ Talk ]
40 minutes 05/08/09 14:55
Darko Obradovic ‎AI::CBR - Case-Based Reasoning for Perl‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 03/08/09 10:30
Vincent Pit (‎vincent‎) ‎XS Recipes‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 09:35
Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎) ‎Padre, the Perl IDE‎
[ Abstract ]
40 minutes 04/08/09 14:00
Abe Timmerman (‎abeltje‎) ‎Testing the Tester‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 04/08/09 10:00
Jesse Vincent ‎Distributed bug tracking with SD‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 14:55
Edmund von der Burg (‎evdb‎) ‎The Art of the State in Catalyst‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 14:10
Ruslan Zakirov (‎ruz‎) ‎Re-inventing query language‎ 40 minutes 05/08/09 11:10


Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Damian Conway (‎damian‎) ‎New Features of Perl 5.10 and Perl Best Practices (1 of 2)‎ 360 minutes 06/08/09 09:00
Damian Conway (‎damian‎) ‎New Features of Perl 5.10 and Perl Best Practices (2 of 2)‎ 360 minutes 07/08/09 09:00
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) ‎Introduction to Perl (day 1)‎ 360 minutes 01/08/09 09:30
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) ‎Introduction to Perl (day 2)‎ 360 minutes 02/08/09 09:30
brian d foy (‎brian d foy‎) ‎Mastering Perl (part 1 of 2)‎ 360 minutes 06/08/09 09:00
brian d foy (‎brian d foy‎) ‎Mastering Perl (part 2 of 2)‎ 360 minutes 07/08/09 09:00
Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎) ‎Perl 6 for Programmers (day 1)‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
360 minutes 01/08/09 09:30
Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎) ‎Perl 6 for Programmers (day 2)‎ 360 minutes 02/08/09 09:30


Half-day workshops on several Perl-related subjects. There is no additional cost to attend these workshops. If you're registered to the conference, you can attend these workshops.

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Uri Bruck ‎Design & Development of RESTful Web Services‎ 180 minutes 05/08/09 09:10
Mark Keating (‎mdk‎) ‎EPO Workshop‎ 360 minutes 06/08/09 09:00
JT Smith ‎WebGUI Workshop‎ 150 minutes 03/08/09 14:00


YAPC related announcements and such

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎) ‎Announcement of next year's venue‎ 5 minutes 03/08/09 09:20
Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎) ‎YAPC::Europe 2010‎ 10 minutes 05/08/09 16:00
José Castro (‎cog‎) ‎YAPC::EU::2009 Opening Session‎ 20 minutes 03/08/09 09:00
Greg McCarroll (‎Greg‎) ‎Live auction‎ 60 minutes 05/08/09 16:10
Marty Pauley (‎maokt‎) ‎What I learned in Lisbon‎ 10 minutes 05/08/09 17:10
Alberto Simões (‎ambs‎) ‎Announcements‎ 10 minutes 04/08/09 09:00
Alberto Simões (‎ambs‎) ‎Announcements‎ 10 minutes 05/08/09 09:00