Working with databases

Working with databases

By Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) from
Date: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 11:55
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Beginning Perl
Tags: database dbi orm

An overview of the main questions/design issues when starting to work with databases in Perl

- choosing a database
- matching DB datatypes to Perl datatypes
- DBI architecture (handles, drivers, etc.)
- steps of DBI interaction : prepare/execute/fetch
- ORM principles and difficulties, ORMs on CPAN
- a few examples with DBIx::DataModel
- performance issues

Attended by: Laurent Dami (‎dami‎), Marco Ramos (‎mramos‎), David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Markus Wichmann (‎telemorphix‎), Nuno Jordão, Jose Neta (‎jpn‎), Oliver Thieke (‎o-thieke‎), Marcos Ramos (‎x‎), Rosellyne Worrall (‎rozallin‎), Frederico Recsky (‎Frederico‎), Diogo Antunes, Rafael Antonio (‎RA‎), Farley Balasuriya (‎Questorian‎), Jordi Delgado (‎jdelgado‎), Henrique Alves (‎Halves‎), Frederico Martins, Tiago Grego, Stelios Gikas (‎sgikas‎), Beatriz Nombela Escobar, Darius Jokilehto, Jose Plana, Luis Motta Campos (‎LMC‎),