Still doing evolutionary algorithms with Perl
Still doing evolutionary algorithms with Perl
By Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (jmerelo) from
Date: Monday, 3 August 2009 10:55
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Technical Perl
Tags: ai algorithms bioinspired evolutionary science
In 2002, I presented a talk in YAPC 2002 introducing a library for doing evolutionary algorithms in Perl. 7 years later, Algorithm::Evolutionary is in its 0.67 version (past its "number of the beast" 0.666), and has been used extensively, to the point of being the foundation of much of the (computer) science being done by our research group.
All is not done, however; now A::E is being integrated with POE so that evolutionary algorithms can be combined with all kinds of servers and used in client, servers, and anything in between.
During our talk, we will explain what evolutionary algorithms are, what they are being used for, how to do them with Perl (using these or other fine modules found in CPAN) and what evolutionary algorithms can do for Perl at large
Attended by: Vincent Pit (vincent), Alex Muntada (alexm), Cláudio Valente, Arjen Laarhoven, Steffen Schwigon (renormalist), Damian Conway (damian), Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (jmerelo), Diego Kuperman (diegok), Jose Celestino (japc), Joaquín Ferrero (explorer), Gabor Szabo (szabgab), Luis Motta Campos (LMC), Clinton Gormley (DrTech), Roberto Henríquez, Jordi Porta, Fernando Vezzosi (Bucciarati), oleber, Oliver Thieke (o-thieke), Mark Morgan, Jose L. Hernandez, Mark Stewart, Enrique Nell (e-nell), David Faux, Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz), Alex Kapranoff (kappa), Marco Neves (themage), Rosellyne Worrall (rozallin), Tiago Pedroso, David Fernández, Sergio Arias, Markus Pinkert (Bedivere), Alexandru Nedelcu, Jordi Delgado (jdelgado), Jacinta Richardson (jarich), Manuel Gomes (wagemage), Henrik Tougaard (htoug), Casiano Rodriguez-Leon (casiano), Lars Holgaard, Lutz Gehlen, Alistair MacLeod (anm), João Carreira, Ruslan Zakirov (ruz), jani, Søren Lund (slu), Henrique Alves (Halves), Marcos Garcia (gulden), stigo, Herbert Breunung (lichtkind),