Painless Object-oriented XML with XML::Pastor (2009 remix)
Painless Object-oriented XML with XML::Pastor (2009 remix)
By Joel Bernstein (joel) from
Date: Monday, 3 August 2009 10:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Everyday Perl
Tags: oo relax schema xml xsd
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
How to build Perl classes with roundtrip data binding to XML, painlessly, using W3C XML Schema and XML::Pastor
Slides from a previous revision of this talk are online at:
I will be presenting an expanded, more practical, 2009 version of this talk. Now with more code and less theory!
- XML is hard, right? Some things which are hard.
- XML data binding
- Comparisons of modules
- XML::Twig
- XML::Smart
- XML::Simple
- XML::Pastor
- Pastor howto
- XML schema inference
- Trang, Relaxer
- Relaxer howto
- The future?
For more information on XML::Pastor see:
Relaxer download:
Relaxer book (Japanese...):
Attended by: Pedro Figueiredo (pfig), cjbradford, Dave Cross (davorg), Luciano Rocha (Strange), Andrey Shitov (ash), Pedro Frazão, Andrew Ford, Panu Ervamaa (pnu), Pedro Melo (melo), Gabor Szabo (szabgab), Clinton Gormley (DrTech), Nélio Nunes, Michele Beltrame (arthas), Bernhard Schmalhofer (bernhard), Joel Bernstein (joel), Jozef Kutej (jozef), oleber, Jose L. Hernandez, Oliver Thieke (o-thieke), Thierry Douez (tdz), Mark Morgan, Damon Davison (allolex), Adilson Barros, Michael Zedeler (mzedeler), Alex Kapranoff (kappa), Stan Sawa, Hugo Tavares Reis, Hugo Costa, Arjen Laarhoven, Flavio Poletti (polettix), Markus Pinkert (Bedivere), António Martins (ammartins), Ulrich Wisser (wisser), Darius Jokilehto, Oskari Ojala (Okko), Henrik Tougaard (htoug), Braceta, Manuel Gomes (wagemage), Wieland Gmeiner, Lutz Gehlen, Yusuke Kawasaki (kawanet), Hermen Lesscher (hermen), Espen Myhre (espenmy), James Laver (jjl), Thomas Heine, Éric Cholet (echo), Olivier Mengué (dolmen), geira,