The Never-Ending Jigsaw

The Never-Ending Jigsaw

By Barbie from
Date: Tuesday, 4 August 2009 16:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Beginning Perl
Tags: code plugins

AKA .. "Building and Extending a Plugin Architecture"

Many frameworks and applications implement a plugin architecture due to its ability to add or extend functionality beyond its core use. This talk will show how to use 'Module::Pluggable' to easily build a plugin framework into an application, taking a look at a three different distributions on CPAN that already implement plugins.

Attended by: Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎), Sérgio Bernardino (‎smpb‎), Martin Schipany (‎ElCondor‎), cjbradford, Maroš Kollár (‎maros‎), Pedro Frazão, Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎), Barbie, Luís Mendes (‎big‎), Joaquín Ferrero (‎explorer‎), Jose Celestino (‎japc‎), Armando Reis (‎AReis‎), Marco Ramos (‎mramos‎), Jozef Kutej (‎jozef‎), Oliver Thieke (‎o-thieke‎), JJ Allen, Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎), David Fernández, Mark Stewart, Abigail, Frederico Recsky (‎Frederico‎), Jorge Bras, Jörg Plate (‎Patterner‎), Jorge Morgado, Rafael Antonio (‎RA‎), Filipe Moreira, Joerg Meltzer (‎codeacrobat‎), Stelios Gikas (‎sgikas‎), Enrique Nell (‎e-nell‎), Pedro Rodrigues (‎careca‎), Petru Ratiu (‎rpetre‎), Farley Balasuriya (‎Questorian‎), Sergio Arias, Ricardo Marques (‎ricmarques‎), Hugo Costa, Thomas Netousek, Darius Jokilehto, Drew Taylor (‎drewbie‎), Andre Luis, Sue Mynott (‎virtualsue‎), Alistair MacLeod (‎anm‎), Lutz Gehlen, Smylers, Rui Patinha (‎rfp‎), Tobias Henoeckl (‎hoeni‎), Hermen Lesscher (‎hermen‎), Jose Plana, Biafra, Damian Conway (‎damian‎), Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎), Marco Neves (‎themage‎), Andreas Hetey,