The Never-Ending Jigsaw
The Never-Ending Jigsaw
By Barbie from
Date: Tuesday, 4 August 2009 16:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Beginning Perl
Tags: code plugins
AKA .. "Building and Extending a Plugin Architecture"
Many frameworks and applications implement a plugin architecture due to its ability to add or extend functionality beyond its core use. This talk will show how to use 'Module::Pluggable' to easily build a plugin framework into an application, taking a look at a three different distributions on CPAN that already implement plugins.
Attended by: Walt Mankowski (waltman), Sérgio Bernardino (smpb), Martin Schipany (ElCondor), cjbradford, Maroš Kollár (maros), Pedro Frazão, Alex Muntada (alexm), Barbie, Luís Mendes (big), Joaquín Ferrero (explorer), Jose Celestino (japc), Armando Reis (AReis), Marco Ramos (mramos), Jozef Kutej (jozef), Oliver Thieke (o-thieke), JJ Allen, Salve J. Nilsen (sjn), David Fernández, Mark Stewart, Abigail, Frederico Recsky (Frederico), Jorge Bras, Jörg Plate (Patterner), Jorge Morgado, Rafael Antonio (RA), Filipe Moreira, Joerg Meltzer (codeacrobat), Stelios Gikas (sgikas), Enrique Nell (e-nell), Pedro Rodrigues (careca), Petru Ratiu (rpetre), Farley Balasuriya (Questorian), Sergio Arias, Ricardo Marques (ricmarques), Hugo Costa, Thomas Netousek, Darius Jokilehto, Drew Taylor (drewbie), Andre Luis, Sue Mynott (virtualsue), Alistair MacLeod (anm), Lutz Gehlen, Smylers, Rui Patinha (rfp), Tobias Henoeckl (hoeni), Hermen Lesscher (hermen), Jose Plana, Biafra, Damian Conway (damian), Herbert Breunung (lichtkind), Marco Neves (themage), Andreas Hetey,