Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers.

Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Time Corporate Perl Beginning Perl Everyday Perl Marty's Room
09:00 Alberto Simões (‎ambs‎) - ‎Announcements‎ (10 min, ) [YAPC] 155
09:10 Damian Conway (‎damian‎) - ‎The Missing Link‎ (40 min, ) [Corporate] 185
10:00 Michael Zedeler (‎mzedeler‎) - ‎Redefining technological debt‎ (20 min, ) [Corporate] 21 Smylers - ‎The Speaking at YAPC Crash Course: Part 1‎ (20 min, ) [Beginning] 32 Abe Timmerman (‎abeltje‎) - ‎Testing the Tester‎ (20 min, ) [Everyday] 33 Pedro Figueiredo (‎pfig‎) - ‎Perl in the Cloud‎ (20 min, ) [Corporate] 85
10:25 Luciano Rocha (‎Strange‎) - ‎Managing Plone projects with Perl and Subversion‎ (20 min, ) [Corporate] 9 Marty Pauley (‎maokt‎) - ‎My First CPAN Module‎ (20 min, ) [Beginning] 35 Abigail - ‎Test::Regexp‎ (20 min, ) [Everyday] 55 Tom Hukins - ‎Using CPAN's Toolchain to Manage Your Code‎ (20 min, ) [Everyday] 88
10:45 ‎Coffee Break #3‎ (30 min)
11:15 Karen Pauley - ‎Remote Controlled Volunteers‎ (20 min, ) [Corporate] 57 Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (‎maddingue‎) - ‎True production code‎ (20 min, ) [Beginning] 31 Max Maischein (‎Corion‎) - ‎CPANr - CPAN modules in under 140 characters‎ (20 min, ) [Everyday] 10 Joel Bernstein (‎joel‎) - ‎RESTful HTTP responses with Perl (or, how I learned to stop worrying and love RFC2616)‎ (20 min, ) [Everyday] 103
11:40 Jacinta Richardson (‎jarich‎) - ‎Just Get the Job Done! Serving the Community One Argument at a Time.‎ (40 min, ) [Corporate] 51 Peter Makholm (‎brother‎) - ‎Regular Expressions: Beyond the fundamentals‎ (40 min, ) [Beginning] 42 brian d foy (‎brian d foy‎) - ‎Grenades, chainsaws, tarpits, and newbies‎ (40 min, ) [Beginning] 54 Richard Dice - ‎Evolving Perl: Where Perl can go and how to get it there‎ (40 min, ) [Corporate] 30
12:30 ‎Lunch (on your own)‎ (90 min)
14:00 Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) - ‎Hacking Rakudo Perl 6‎ (40 min, ) [Corporate] 63 Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎) - ‎Padre, the Perl IDE‎ (40 min, ) [Everyday] 45 Isaac Clerencia - ‎eBox MVC architecture‎ (40 min, ) [Everyday] 22 Yuval Kogman (‎nothingmuch‎) - ‎Moose Workshop‎ (90 min, ) [Everyday] 19
14:45 Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎) - ‎Perl 6 Roles In Depth‎ (40 min, ) [Corporate] 75 Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) - ‎Emacs, a performant IDE for Perl‎ (40 min, ) [Beginning] 36 Yusuke Kawasaki (‎kawanet‎) - ‎Recent web tech updates from Japan‎ (40 min, ) [Everyday] 42
15:30 ‎Coffee Break #4‎ (30 min)
16:00 Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) - ‎Why do so many companies re-invent well-known CPAN modules badly ... ?‎ (20 min, ) [Corporate] 88 Barbie - ‎The Never-Ending Jigsaw‎ (40 min, ) [Beginning] 52 Franck Cuny - ‎Mapping the CPAN community‎ (20 min, ) [Everyday] 11 Yuval Kogman (‎nothingmuch‎) - ‎Moose Workshop (2)‎ (40 min, ) [Everyday] 19
16:20 Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎) - ‎Cinderella 'TAP: The lazy evaluation sisters of TAP::Parser‎ (20 min, ) [Corporate] 44 Brian McCauley (‎Nobull‎) - ‎Data::Iterator::Hierarchical‎ (20 min, ) [Everyday] 33
16:45 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Lightning Talks #2‎ (40 min, ) [Corporate] 151
21:00 ‎Conference Dinner && Quizz Show‎ (180 min)