Moose Workshop
Moose Workshop
By Yuval Kogman (nothingmuch)
Date: Tuesday, 4 August 2009 14:00
Duration: 130 minutes
Target audience: Everyday Perl
Tags: moose oo workshop
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
Moose provides a layer of declarative sugar for OO in Perl, as well as a complete introspection layer.
This tutorial will cover all of Moose’s basic features, including attributes, subclassing, method modifiers, roles, and types. I bet you didn’t know that Perl had all of those features (and in fact, some of them are pretty much exclusive to Moose).
This will be a hands-on tutorial. All attendees should come with a laptop prepared to write some code. You’ll want to have Git, a modern Perl (the most recent 5.8.x or 5.10.x release) and the most recent version of Moose as well.
Attended by: Peter Stoehr, Giuseppe Maxia (gmax), osfameron, Abe Timmerman (abeltje), Cosmin Budrica (cosmincx), Jacinta Richardson (jarich), Jörg Plate (Patterner), Adam Reeks, Fernando Vezzosi (Bucciarati), Michael Kröll (pepl), Nicolas Mendoza (nicomen), Wieland Gmeiner, Leo Lapworth (ranguard), Cosimo Streppone (cosimo), stigo, Alistair MacLeod (anm), Alex Muntada (alexm), Sergio Arias, Andreas Hetey,